Youtube Instagram Spotify Reckless is excited to share their newest EP, Who Are You, after a string of singlesover the past few years. The titular track “Who Are You” is a powerhouse debut of theirevolved sound and welcomes listeners to a new era of The Reckless.Since its debut, the band has undergone a complete sound evolution. The Recklessbegan during the pandemic as a one-man show by frontman Fritz Fayman. Joined bytalented musicians who shared his vision, Fayman soon welcomed bassist MichaelKennedy, who would become a mainstay member. During this period, the band releasedone EP, The Get in a Fight EP, while trying to strike harmony with fleeting bandmembers. Soon after, they encountered Riku Myllykoski, who joined the group ondrums. Within months, John Kelly joined on guitar to complete the group.“Our sound has become more advanced with our current crew,” shares Fritz Fayman.“Everyone is doing more to the song—it’s not just me writing everything. Everyone isdoing their parts, which allows for a blending of our styles. There is a level of humilityamongst all our band members. We’re each figuring out what we’re good at andcombining influences and sounds to reach our potential and continued potential.”Now, The Reckless weaves the distinct interests and musical backgrounds of the fourmembers to create the robust, authentic, and captivating sound found in their latest EP,Who Are You.The band is committed to releasing new music every 3-4 months to connect with theirgrowing fanbase. “We started making singles for content and creating new music as weworked to nail down our sound as a group,” shares Fayman. “We were practicing for twohours twice a week to make sure we were the best band we could be at live shows.”Their effort has paid off, as demonstrated by captivated audiences during theirpowerhouse performances.Who Are You combines four unique songs into one memorable EP. The titular single,“Who Are You” opens the stage, followed by the rock anthem “Do it for Free,” the pop-punk banger “Home,” the reimagined throwback song “GO ON,” and the thoughtfulfinale “Remember Me.” Each song contributes a new layer of complexity to the group’ssound, which comes together with Fritz’s emotive singing from track to track.The headline track, “Who Are You” began as a riff Fritz put together. “I brought it to theband and asked what they thought. The song turned out to be an example of the wholeband working together. Riff, base line, drum bits… we each contributed our part.”“The EP is a great example of how much we’ve grown,” adds Fayman. “There is such adifference between our first EP and the newer EP that demonstrates our ability toevolve.”“Who Are You” was born from a casual exploratory session, during which Fritz Faymandeveloped a riff in drop d tuning—inspired by some of the more metal bands Fritz hadrecently been listening to—that was heavy yet simple. Playing around, he created arough outline of the song and brought the band in to contribute their thoughts.“It brought out the vibe of a walkout song for a baseball pitcher,” explains Fayman. “It’sabout to go down right now. That excitement from the feeling of watching your favoriteplayer walking out.” The drumbeat was created using rim shots (outer edges of thedrum), followed by a heavy bass sound. Then came the addition of a guitar riff.“As we played more, the song came together. Intro. Verse. Lyrics. We took inspirationfrom a post we made where we got our first kind of hate comment. We laughed becausewe’d made it with that first hate comment.” As Fayman explains, it’s not about thepeople writing hateful comments, rather about getting past negativity and writing a greatsong to counter what they were saying.“It’s an angry, upbeat, powerful song,” he adds. “It’s a great example of everything TheReckless is capable of and does with its wide variety of dynamic shifts, hard-hittingmoments, pauses, and impactful lyrics. I’m really proud of that song.”At the end of the day, The Reckless wants listeners to know that it’s worth giving yourpassion a shot—and really trying your best. They’re excited to keep entertaining liveaudiences and giving music lovers a chance to unwind and feel free to expressthemselves. Listeners can look forward to more music from The Reckless in the comingmonths.Become a supporter of this podcast:
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