
  • End of Life: Become a Midwife to the soul using crystals
    Apr 30 2023

    End of life can be an emotionally highly charged time both for the person moving on and the loved ones left behind.

    In this podcast I would like to offer, for consideration, some ways of using crystals to aid the experience and make what can be a very daunting time into a beautiful loving experience.

    I speak to Rachael whose mum  received crystal healing during her transitioning time. Rachael shares her views on the benefits and experience of  using crystals during this time and rates her own experience, dealing with her grief once she had passed.

    I hope this offers you peace and helps you help others who may be at their end of life.

    Are you a beginner with Crystals would you like to know more?
    We have a Beginners Online Course starting on the 21 June 2023  here is the link to join us xxx

    British Academy of Crystal Healing: Leading the way in Vibrational Medicine
    Crystal Classes, Retreats, Spiritual Adventures, Pre recorded videos, free advice, consultations plus much more. If you want to learn from the best you will love what we have to offer!

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    24 min
  • Investigating Crystals for Eye Health
    Apr 16 2023

    30 people decided to get together and investigate using crystals to improve Eye Health. The results were amazing !!

    The following crystals were chosen to investigate how they would impact on  eye health. Each participant chose a crystal to work with over a 4 day period and surprisingly in such a short period of time the results were incredible.

    Smokey Quartz Eye soothers: This crystal is said to release eyestrain, adjust perception from negative thinking to positive and quell over thinking to produce a clearer vision of the world.


    Rose Quartz Eye soothers: This crystal is said to help you see the good in the world, ever heard of the saying rose tinted glasses… well this is exactly what this beautiful crystal will do, it will help you see the good in the world. As always crystals may aid recognition of what needs clearing first so you have a marker to work from.


    Agate Eye Soothers:  This crystal works closer to the physical form so I have high hopes of it improving eye sight and focus. Relaxing, regenerating and easing the temples to produce a more sharper more relaxed focus, reducing pressure and ability to see.

    Here is the link to learn more about the investigation however this podcast reveals the findings and speaks with Cristina and Louise who share their experience with us.

    If you would like to get involved in our research projects please email me on jackie.winters@yahoo.co.uk

    British Academy of Crystal Healing: Leading the way in Vibrational Medicine
    Crystal Classes, Retreats, Spiritual Adventures, Pre recorded videos, free advice, consultations plus much more. If you want to learn from the best you will love what we have to offer!

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    24 min
  • Understanding Heart Disease and how Crystals can help
    Apr 2 2023

    Heart and circulatory diseases cause a quarter of all deaths in the UK, that's more than 160,000 deaths each year – an average of 460 deaths each day or one every three minutes in the UK. There are around 7.6 million people living with a heart or circulatory disease in the UK: 4 million men and 3.6 million women.

    Also according to the Centres for Diseases in the USA someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds. Every year about 805 000 people in the US have a heart attack. 

    These are staggering figures , so how can understanding the dis - ease and using crystals help find the balance and harmony required to self-maintain and return the body to becoming at ease instead of dis eased.

    In this podcast I share a stories of two men who both experience heart attackes and explain why it happens physically and metaphysically. 

    I offer information of many crystals that can help including, ruby, cavansite, dioptase, tigers eye, citrine, rose quartz plus many more and explain why.

    I hope you enjoy listening and put the information to good use.

    British Academy of Crystal Healing: Leading the way in Vibrational Medicine
    Crystal Classes, Retreats, Spiritual Adventures, Pre recorded videos, free advice, consultations plus much more. If you want to learn from the best you will love what we have to offer!

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    23 min
  • Pain Management with Crystals
    Mar 20 2023

    This podcast is has an interview with the lovely Sheila who unexpectedly found that crystals took away her pain after having ovarian cancer.

    It never ceases to amaze me how incredible crystal healing is and how we are always learning more about the potential of energy medicine. I hope to offer you insight into what pain is, how to recognise the cause of it , what crystals will help to reduce the pain and lead you on a journey to full recovery.

    The pain body is created when we have experienced pain, emotionally, mentally and/or physically. Understanding yourself, listening to the body and becoming more aware of your inner world and what is harbouring within you to cause pain is the key to living a life without pain.

    I hope you enjoy listening and find some comfort if you are in pain by what sheila has to share with you

    British Academy of Crystal Healing: Leading the way in Vibrational Medicine
    Crystal Classes, Retreats, Spiritual Adventures, Pre recorded videos, free advice, consultations plus much more. If you want to learn from the best you will love what we have to offer!

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    21 min
  • Mental Health and Crystals
    Mar 6 2023

    In this podcast we look at what Mental health is, the statistics and how it impacts on life.
    I advise on how crystals can help and speak to the lovely Michelle who has brought crystals into her own wellness regime to help her take back control of her mental health.
    Crystals can help you listen to your own mind from an elevated view point and decide whether the story that is at play is true or not. This  then affords more choices in life and aids re empowering you to take control. We don't always like the life choices we have available to us but when we understand why we make these choices, what fear is lurking behind the ones that are not beneficial to us we start treading the path of harmony.
    I think you will be suprised at the statistics and hopefully find inspiration to bring crystals into your own wellness regime.

    If you would like a 30 minute 121 tutorial on how crystals can help you here is the link

    British Academy of Crystal Healing: Leading the way in Vibrational Medicine
    Crystal Classes, Retreats, Spiritual Adventures, Pre recorded videos, free advice, consultations plus much more. If you want to learn from the best you will love what we have to offer!

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    28 min
  • Cancer and Crystals
    Feb 20 2023

    This podcast speaks about how crystals can help people deal with cancer, I speak about contra indications and the process of disease.

    It includes and interview with  Cath, who shares her heart warming story about how she feels crystals helped her after having cancer in her neck. She shares her absolute delight at being able to experience feeling return to her neck, whilst using a crystal to massage her face and neck, after the surgery had left her with a no sensation and a numbness.

    Cath explains how she felt she lost her spirit when she had the cancer removed surgically from her neck and how crystals helped her... you can hear her emotion as she shares her incredible journey, offering encouragement to those who may be going through anything similar.

    Classes will shortly be available detailing how to use crystals for cancer, placements on pressure points and contra indications for use. Join our mailing list so as not to miss out, helping you use crystals more effectively and understand the process of energy medicine

    If you would like advice on your own healing journey and would like  121 personal tuition tailored to meet your internal journey here is the link

    British Academy of Crystal Healing: Leading the way in Vibrational Medicine 

    British Academy of Crystal Healing: Leading the way in Vibrational Medicine
    Crystal Classes, Retreats, Spiritual Adventures, Pre recorded videos, free advice, consultations plus much more. If you want to learn from the best you will love what we have to offer!

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    21 min
  • Euphoralite Earth: A NEW EARTH: A day in the life of a Crystal Therapist
    Feb 6 2023

    Euphoralite Earth, educates us on a NEW EARTH: a new way of living in harmony with ourselves, releasing fears of lack, finding a vocation that brings spiritual rewards as well as physical rewards.

    This podcast explains how to choose a career that prioritises you, that ensures your energy levels are maintained, that you understand energetic exchanges and that you re program your mind into a gentler, kinder, softer way of living on this planet.

    Some of our students are already experiencing this new way of living and we speak to Karen who has a very successful new business and offers advice on how to establish your own business

    To bring this new way through into the world you must trust and believe in your heart, it really does know the way.

    Thank you again for listening and if you would like to know more about becoming a Therapist please follow the link. Have a great day everyone xx

    British Academy of Crystal Healing: Leading the way in Vibrational Medicine
    Crystal Classes, Retreats, Spiritual Adventures, Pre recorded videos, free advice, consultations plus much more. If you want to learn from the best you will love what we have to offer!

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    24 min
  • Euphoralite Earth: Ley Lines: attitudes linked to organs
    Jan 30 2023

    Euphoralite Earth felt amazing however it has taken me a while to document the energy as it is quite subtle and  brought everything through onto the physical level. I learned about ley lines, attitudes, depths of incarnation and how energy medicine really is the future for medicine: helping stop dis ease before it meets the physical body.

    Whilst working with Euphoralite Earth I wrote a Master course (that is open to anyone interested in energy medicine, it just means connecting to the Masters) on JSJ and energy Depths of incarnations. The 6 classes are available on video to purchase. If you would like to receive the 6 videos and learn more about the organ energy pathways flowing through the body and how they impact on our organs: how to trace the energy lines with a crystal and discover crystals that will clean and clear any blockages; thereby restoring harmony and wellness to your being I have deatiled the link to learn more

    I mention in the podcast how to use dowsing rods and crystals to grid your home, find imbalances and rectify with crystals. I would love to hear from you and record your findings. This wonderful Ancient Art of dowsing has so many benefits, incorporate crystals and wow, you can really notice the difference.

    My email address is jackie.winters@yahoo.co.uk 

    Let's use our knowledge for the greater good and restore peace harmony and joy as the natural order on this beautiful planet.

    Thank you for listening and keep playing with your crystals, they love us working with them xxx

    British Academy of Crystal Healing: Leading the way in Vibrational Medicine
    Crystal Classes, Retreats, Spiritual Adventures, Pre recorded videos, free advice, consultations plus much more. If you want to learn from the best you will love what we have to offer!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min