
  • Varieties of Nationalism
    Oct 29 2022

    Patriotism comes in many shapes and sizes. It remains a key factor in politics and international relations. In this episode, Mark English continues his reflections on patriotism and nationalism, referring to a curious and revealing passage from Margery Allingham's 1941 novel, Traitor's Purse. Reference is also made to criticisms of previously-expressed views on the Ukraine conflict and current U.S. foreign policy.

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    13 min
  • Nationalism
    Mar 17 2022

    Gottlob Frege's organicism and his (surprisingly strong) patriotic commitments were mentioned in a previous episode of Culture and Value. In this episode, Mark English offers a culture-based perspective on the topics of nationalism and political myth, highlighting the tensions between political and more organic cultural elements, and recommending a pragmatic and strictly utilitarian approach to foreign policy.

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    9 min
  • Frege's View of the World
    Feb 19 2022

    Gottlob Frege was a mathematician with strong philosophical interests and preoccupations. In an attempt to discover and make explicit the logical foundations of mathematics he developed -- almost singlehandedly -- the basic ideas of the predicate calculus. But he also had deep and compelling views on language and an appreciation of the complexities of ordinary thinking, including the role that feelings and emotions play in human life and decision-making.

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    14 min
  • Individualism and Cultural Embeddedness
    Jan 20 2022

    Mark English talks about his general goal of presenting and defending a form of individualism which takes seriously our cultural embeddedness, noting that universal political prescriptions – to the extent that they can be applied at all – are rarely successful. He refers to the surprising origins of neo-liberalism in Europe in the 1930s. The European neo-liberals were keen to distance themselves from earlier, laissez-faire approaches to economics and emphasized the importance of cultural factors.

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    7 min
  • Close Reading
    Dec 20 2021

    Young children are notoriously bad liars, but even mature and sophisticated users of language reveal themselves in ways of which they are all too often unaware. Listeners and readers inevitably make judgments based not so much on the literal meaning of what we say as on what they perceive to be our purpose or motivation for saying it. This is a well-known and universal phenomenon. But there are strands of thinking, in both Western and Eastern traditions, which take these ideas a bit further and see the analysis of linguistic style as potentially revealing the moral qualities of the speaker or writer.

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    8 min
  • Politics and personal values; Taiwan and U.S. interventionism
    Dec 4 2021

    Personal and political values can be intertwined in complicated ways and, even within close families, there are often serious, politically-driven divides. Mark English talks about the way his own foreign policy views and attitudes have changed. He refers to the influence of his father on his own views and also to bitter, politically-driven personal rifts which existed at one time within his father's family. The latter part of this episode is devoted to a review of a recent discussion about China's regional ambitions and the role that the United States is currently playing in the Western Pacific, especially in relation to Taiwan.

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    16 min
  • The Curious Persistence of Cold War Thinking
    Nov 25 2021

    Great powers in decline are often more dangerous than rising powers. The leaders of such countries (today's United States?) may be tempted to take drastic action in an attempt to stem perceived decline and restore the status quo ante or simply to distract from domestic problems. Mark English argues that, though changes in the geopolitical landscape make the relatively clear ideological dichotomies of the Cold War era impossible to maintain, new and dangerous forms of neoconservatism – founded on the myth of American exceptionalism – continue to influence foreign policy and media reporting.

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    13 min
  • Chinese General's Daughter
    Sep 28 2021

    Mark English recounts some details of the life, character, beliefs and attitudes of a remarkable woman. Her father was a Chinese general and a colleague of Mao Zedong. As a very small child -- during the chaos of the Cultural Revolution -- she was sent to the countryside for a time to live with peasants. She was a professional gymnast from the age of seven to the age of fourteen. After a bad fall, she went back to school and built a career in an area of applied science. Her deep knowledge of traditional culture came mainly from her mother (an opera singer) and from her maternal grandmother who had been a concubine in the old China.

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    14 min