
  • "Death & How D&D Games End" Episode #8
    Feb 5 2024

    On this episode the two Game Masters explain what happens when you die in a D&D game, how short and long games can be, and a D&D game might end. It is interesting on how in this role playing game, the depths in which people commit to their characters and the game...Dungeons & Dragons.

    Produced by, and playing the "Confused Ork": R. Scott Edwards

    Game Masters: Kyle Stobener & Ryan Wells

    NPC Actor: Bob Stobener

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • "Our Two Game Masters have a Q&A Session" Episode #7
    Jan 29 2024

    On this episode, our Confused Ork asks direct questions of our two Game Masters and our NPC. We get direct answers to a variety of questions about the game Dungeons & Dragons, why it is played, and what is important to our GM's.

    Produced by, and playing the "Confused Ork": R. Scott Edwards

    Game Masters: Kyle Stobener & Ryan Wells

    NPC Actor: Bob Stobener

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min
  • "The Two Game Masters Share Insights" Episode #6
    Jan 22 2024

    On this episode, the confused Ork is not included, and the two Game Masters Ryan Wells, and Kyle Stobener just talk and share about their lives and how playing the game D&D has affected them....why they play.

    Produced by, and playing the "Confused Ork": R. Scott Edwards

    Game Masters: Kyle Stobener & Ryan Wells

    NPC Actor: Bob Stobener

    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min
  • "Additional Thoughts Shared on Gameplay" Episode #5
    Jan 15 2024

    On this episode, we discuss how that last episodes scene developed and more on NPC use. A sample from a game is basis for this discussion.

    Produced by, and playing the "Confused Ork": R. Scott Edwards

    Game Masters: Kyle Stobener & Ryan Wells

    NPC Actor: Bob Stobener

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min
  • "Sample Game Scenario is Played & Explained" Episode #4
    Jan 8 2024

    On this episode the game Masters wlk the Confused Ork through a sample engagement. We use a professional NPC actor to add depth & color to the game scenario.

    Produced by, and playing the "Confused Ork": R. Scott Edwards

    Game Masters: Kyle Stobener & Ryan Wells

    NPC Actor: Bob Stobener

    Voir plus Voir moins
    22 min
  • "Explanation of Game and Role of Game Masters" Episode 3
    Jan 5 2024

    On this episode the Game Masters explain how the game is managed by the Game (Dungeon) Master....or GM for gaming terms.

    Produced by, and playing the "Confused Ork": R. Scott Edwards

    Game Masters: Kyle Stobener & Ryan Wells

    NPC Actor: Bob Stobener

    Voir plus Voir moins
    20 min
  • "Character Development and Other Explanations" Episode #2
    Jan 5 2024

    The two Game Masters continue to explain D&D and dive into character development.
    Overall, trying to explain the game D&D and why people play.

    Produced by, and playing the "Confused Ork": R. Scott Edwards

    Game Masters: Kyle Stobener & Ryan Wells

    NPC Actor: Bob Stobener

    Voir plus Voir moins
    22 min
  • "Why This Podcast Was Started & Why We Play D&D" Episode #1
    Jan 5 2024

    Introduction to D & D and this new podcast....we have two Game Masters trying to explain the game to an older adult....imagine that!

    Produced by, and playing the "Confused Ork": R. Scott Edwards

    Game Masters: Kyle Stobener & Ryan Wells

    NPC Actor: Bob Stobener

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min