The current trend to discontinue and dismantle DEI motivated us to look into this suddently controversial issue. DEI will be another corpse on the pile of convenient corpses that were easy targets. But, what does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion mean? What are the impacts it has had? What will happen when it's gone? The implications are further reaching than you might think.RecommendationsAbraham: Put “DEI” into everythingShane: Captain America: Brave New World ( (2/26/2025):Black Lives MatterCarnival DayCarpe Diem DayFor Pete’s Sake DayInconvenience Yourself DayMaha ShivaratriNational Customized Wheel and Tire DayNational Letter to an Elder DayNational Personal Chef’s DayNational Pistachio DayPink Shirt DayTell a Fairy Tell DayThermos Bottle DayInternational Energy WeekNational Chip Week (UK)National Eating Disorders Awareness WeekNational Green WeekNational Invasive Species Awareness WeekLinks and References:,Baird%20contributed%20to%20this%20report. Zeynep Arsel, David Crockett, Maura L Scott, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Journal of Consumer Research: A Curation and Research Agenda, Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 48, Issue 5, February 2022, Pages 920–933, Become a supporter of this podcast: