
  • To Hell Creek and Back: The Story of the Tufts-Love T. rex
    Feb 19 2020

    A world of blistering heat and dirt, a biosphere where 20-foot-tall dinosaurs roamed. Home to cretaceous creatures that could rip apart their prey with 6-inch serrated teeth! Venture into this landscape to learn how a group of researchers and school teachers tracked down the elusive Tyrannosaurus rex in the sweltering badlands on Montana.  Follow how the last-minute discovery of a small protrusion of ribs led to the extraction of a three-thousand-pound block containing the head of a ravenous rex. You’ll be on the ground in an active paleontological field research site examining fossils from millions of years ago. You’ll also learn what it takes to bring a prized scientific discovery into the forefront of research and for all the public to see and touch.

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    DIG Field School | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
    Burke Museum | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

    Greg Wilson | University of Washington | Twitter
    Brandon Peecook | Idaho State University | Twitter | Instagram
    Kristy Mar | Twitter
    Dave DeMar | Smithsonian Institution
    Michael Holland | Site | LinkedIN
    ​Thomas Carr | @TyrannosaurCarr | Site | Carthage College
    Jean Primozich | "Meet the Tufts-Love T. rex's biggest (little) fans," Burke Museum

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    52 min