• Daily Practice (Normal Speed) - S3 - Lesson 08

  • Jun 25 2024
  • Durée: 5 min
  • Podcast

Daily Practice (Normal Speed) - S3 - Lesson 08

  • Résumé

  • After listening to Season 3, Lesson 08, start reinforcing what you've learned by taking six minutes a day to practice listening and imitating the material. Repetition makes progress.How to practiceThis episode's daily practice session doesn't include spoken instructions, but the process is the same as previous episodes of this season:In the first part, you'll hear a short snippet of the dialogue, followed by a pause of 2-4 seconds. During the pause, try to echo aloud exactly what you heard. In the second part, the dialogue plays again without pauses. Try to shadow the dialogue by repeating it aloud simultaneously with the recording.Note that in both parts, speaking aloud is important, as this practice helps you gain confidence making the sounds of Mandarin, increasing your speaking fluency over time. It also gives you invaluable feedback, as you hear the sounds coming out of your mouth, and can compare them to the sounds you just heard. If only done once or twice, this might not seem to have much effect; repeated on a daily basis, however, this is a powerful mechanism for bootstrapping your pronunciation and speaking ability.Magic Phrase (4-2)This phrase is composed entirely of words that use the 4-2 tone pair. We use it to practice identifying and then pronouncing the tones, hearing how they interact with each other in context. 櫃台負責配合客人Guìtái fùzé pèihé kèrén櫃台 / guìtái / reception, front desk負責 / fùzé / to be responsible for, to take responsibility for配合 / pèihé / to cooperate with客人 / kèrén / customers, guestsTranscript of the dialogue (Chinese characters only)L:嘿,教授,你叫我過來?P:小李,你進來。我要談談你的論文。L:我的論文內容,你看完了嗎?P:我看完了,你的論文主題很… 特別:「地球鳳梨種植的範圍跟價格」…L:我知道,我知道,你好奇我的調查是怎麼進行的。P:其實… 這麼說不如說…L:我去年去印尼做調查,我發現印尼竟然沒有任何鳳梨!P:不過,真正的問題更大…L:我知道了!是數學的問題,例如鳳梨在不同季節的價格不正常。P:不是這個…L:這些數學問題確實很複雜,而且你知道我不太擅長數學。P:所以我…L:但我認為這是一個過程。我一定會克服!我會練習數學…P:好了!夠了!問題不是數學,問題是… 鳳梨。L:問題是鳳梨?P:對,鳳梨這個話題,不適合作為論文題目!L:不適合?P:對!所以,很抱歉,我只能拒絕你目前的論文。L:不會吧!P:很遺憾。L:不如…. 我就換個主題重寫!P:你有時間嗎?怕時間不足,你的論文快到期了。L:我可以的!我證明給你看!P:好,那你要換什麼主題?L:我來寫… 酪梨!「酪梨的價格地圖」… 你覺得怎麼樣?Transcript of the dialogue (w/ pinyin and translation)Use this as a visual listening guide, or if you want to check your tone comprehension. Tones are indicated by marks above the letters in the pinyin transliteration, as follows: (1) ā (2) á (3) ǎ (4) àL:嘿,教授,你叫我過來?Hēi, jiàoshòu, nǐ jiào wǒ guòlái?Hey, professor, you called me over?P:小李,你進來。我要談談你的論文。Xiǎo lǐ, nǐ jìnlái. Wǒ yào tán tán nǐ dì lùnwén.Xiao Li, come in. I want to discuss your thesis.L:我的論文內容,你看完了嗎?Wǒ dì lùnwén nèiróng, nǐ kàn wán le ma?The contents of my thesis, you finished reading it?P:我看完了。你的論文主題很… 特別:「地球鳳梨種植的範圍跟價格」Wǒ kàn wán le, nǐ dì lùnwén zhǔtí hěn… tèbié: 「Dìqiú fènglí zhòngzhí de fànwéi gēn jiàgé」I finished reading it. The topic of your thesis is very… special: 「Earth’s pineapple growing regions: range, and prices」L:我知道,我知道。你好奇我的調查是怎麼進行的。Wǒ zhīdào, wǒ zhīdào. nǐ hàoqí wǒ de diàochá shì zěnme jìnxíng de.I know, I know. You’re curious how I undertook my survey.P:其實… 這麼說,不如說…Qíshí… zhème shuō bù rú shuōActually, it would be better to say…L:我去年去印尼做調查,我發現印尼竟然沒有任何鳳梨!Wǒ qùnián qù yìnní zuò diàochá, wǒ fāxiàn yìnní jìngrán méiyǒu rènhé fènglí!Last year I went to Indonesia to do a survey, I realized Indonesia doesn’t have any pineapples at all!P:不過,真正的問題更大…Bùguò, zhēnzhèng de wèntí gèng dà...But, the real problem is bigger…L:我知道了!是數學的問題,例如鳳梨在不同季節的價格不正常。Wǒ zhīdàole! Shì shùxué de wèntí, lìrú fènglí zài bùtóng jìjié de jiàgé bù zhèngcháng.I know! It’s the math problems. For example, pineapples in different seasons have abnormal prices.P:不是這個…Bùshì zhège…It’s not this…L:...
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