Daily Surrender Prayer
Dear Lord, today I surrender my body, soul, and Spirit to you,
Thank you for making me your image bearer and a citizen of heaven,
I let go of all false burdens, control and self-will,
I pray for your will to be done in my life,
I pray for a loving, patient, and peaceful heart,
Eyes that see things from your perspective,
Ears that are yielded to you,
I’m thankful for the river that never runs dry,
I receive the manna you have given me today,
Thank you for blessings and mercies,
Lead me, guide me, correct, and convict me throughout this day.
I am grateful for the nudges, you give me that lead me in the way I should go,
You lead me beside the still waters,
I surrender my life to you,
I surrender to your peace, love and joy,
Lord, I surrender to your ways,
I give you permission to have your way in me,
My life is yours,
I love you Lord,
In Jesus name, Amen.