"Duty, Honor, Country." More than words, these are the values that drive Dana Allmond to run for the AZ House of Representatives in LD17 from the Tucson area.
Values that Dana committed to as a cadet at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, in achieving the rank of Lt. Colonel (now retired) and still guide her today to serve the citizens of Arizona.
In this wide-ranging interview, we cover the issues of voting rights, education and reproductive rights. We also explore the impact and experiences her military career will have on serving in the AZ Legislature; and how her values determined her responses to the Jan 6th insurrection and her resignation from an advisory council to Senator Krysten Sinema (D AZ).
Our takeaway is that Dana Allmond has the leadership and integrity to serve the causes and people of Arizona. And the voters in LD 17 will have the "honor" of electing her on Nov. 8th. Please go to her website link allmond4az.com and support her candidacy.
A big thank you to our sponsor the Maricopa County Democratic Party for its support. Please visit the MCDP website to volunteer your time and donate to help elect Democrats from the bottom to the top of the ballot in 2022.
Turning Arizona Blue (TAB) the podcast is partnering with The Mule News, an online news service dedicated to Maricopa County Democratic politics. Please subscribe for free and confirm your subscription at https://themulenews.com/.
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