Dane Cvetkovic is a Serbian professional golfer who has grown a large social media presence thanks to his informative and helpful golf coaching videos
As a young man Dane dreamt of becoming a Chess Grandmaster, but when he was introduced to the game, as a 12-year-old, his dreams changed. Golf became his passion, and as a member of the Serbian National Golf Team golf took him from Serbia to the Netherlands to the United Arab Emirates.
He joins #OntheMark to share his journey in golf, lessons learned along the way, and also some of his best golf tips and insights to to demystify the game. He talks about various concepts relating to game improvement while emphasizing the value of "playing golf vs. golf-swing."
- Understanding your misses
- Understanding how to create certain ball-flights and trajectories, and
- Four Swing Thoughts that helped him become a Scratch Golfer:
- A Transition Feel of an "outward push" instead of a "downward pull"
- Turning "inside of a barrel" for a better pivot in the backswing
- Stabilizing the clubface through and post-impact
- "Hammering the Nail" through the golf-ball at impact.
This podcast is also available as a vodcast on YouTube. Search and subscribe to Mark Immelman.