बाहुद्वन्द्वेन रत्नोज्ज्वलवलयभृता शोणपाणिप्रवाले- नोपात्तां वेणुनाली प्रसृतनखमयूखाङ्गुलीसङ्गशाराम् । कृत्वा वक्त्रारविन्दे सुमधुरविकसद्रागमुद्भाव्यमानै: शब्दब्रह्मामृतैस्त्वं शिशिरितभुवनै: सिञ्च मे कर्णवीथीम् ॥५॥
बाहु-द्वन्द्वेनby two handsरत्न-उज्ज्वल-वलय-भृताstudded shining bangles wearingशोण-पाणि-प्रवालेन-red hands like coralsउपात्तां वेणुनालीholding the fluteप्रसृत-नख-मयूख-spreading from the nails the raysअङ्गुली-सङ्ग-शाराम्by Thy fingers' contact made multi coloredकृत्वा वक्त्र-अरविन्देapplied to Thy face lotusसुमधुर-विकसत्-sweet producingरागम्-उद्भाव्यमानै:melodies flowingशब्द-ब्रह्म-अमृतै:-sound as Brahman nectarत्वं शिशिरित-भुवनै:Thou cooling the worldsसिञ्च मे कर्ण-वीथीम्soak my ear passages
Deign to soak my ear passages, with the extremely sweet melodies which cool all the worlds and which are Brahman Itself in the form of sound, which flows out of Thy flute which is placed on Thy lotus mouth. The flute is multi colored by the contact with the finger nails' rays spreading out, the two hands wearing studded shining bangles and red as coral, holding it.