उत्सर्पत्कौस्तुभश्रीततिभिररुणितं कोमलं कण्ठदेशं वक्ष: श्रीवत्सरम्यं तरलतरसमुद्दीप्रहारप्रतानम् । नानावर्णप्रसूनावलिकिसलयिनीं वन्यमालां विलोल- ल्लोलम्बां लम्बमानामुरसि तव तथा भावये रत्नमालाम् ॥६॥
उत्सर्पत्-कौस्तुभ-emitting (from the) Kaustubhaश्री-ततिभि:-अरुणितंlustrous ray collection (by which) rendered redकोमलं कण्ठ-देशंdelicate neck areaवक्ष: श्रीवत्स-रम्यंchest with Shreevatsa mark beautifiedतरलतर-समुद्दीप्र-tremulous and brilliantहार-प्रतानंnecklaces manyनाना-वर्ण-प्रसून-various colored flowersअवलि-किसलयिनींrows and tender sproutsवन्यमालां विलोलत्-wild flower garlands hoveringलोलम्बां लम्बमानाम्-( on which) bees, hangingउरसि तव तथाon Thy chest, thusभावये रत्नमालाम्I meditate, on the gem necklaces
I meditate on Thy handsome neck rendered red by the lustrous rays emitting from the Kaustubh jewel, Thy chest beautified with the Shreevatsa mark, tremulous and brilliant many pearl and gem necklaces and garlands made from rows of wild multi colored flowers, with bees hovering on them, spread on Thy chest.