ऊरू चारू तवोरू घनमसृणरुचौ चित्तचोरौ रमाया: विश्वक्षोभं विशङ्क्य ध्रुवमनिशमुभौ पीतचेलावृताङ्गौ । आनम्राणां पुरस्तान्न्यसनधृतसमस्तार्थपालीसमुद्ग- च्छायं जानुद्वयं च क्रमपृथुलमनोज्ञे च जङ्घे निषेवे ॥८॥
ऊरू चारू तव-ऊरूstout handsome Thy thighsघन-मसृण-रुचौsolid and soft and charmingचित्त-चोरौ रमाया:stealing Ramaa's heartविश्व-क्षोभं विशङ्क्यthe whole world excitement, fearingध्रुवम्-अनिशम्-उभौcertainly, always them bothपीत-चेल-आवृत-अङ्गौ(with) yellow cloth covering both partsआनम्राणां पुरस्तात्-in front of the devoteesन्यसन-धृत-समस्त-putting and holding allअर्थ-पाली-समुद्गत्-the collection of desired objects, a casketछायं जानु-द्वयं चlike, and two kneesक्रम-पृथुल मनोज्ञेtapering and beautifulच जङ्घे निषेवेforelegs, I meditate on
I meditate on Thy two handsome thighs, which are solid soft and charming, stealing Ramaa's heart. Fearing to excite the whole world, definitely, they are always covered with yellow silk cloth. Thy two knees, are like two caskets holding all the desired objects for Thy devotees, and Thy two forelegs are beautifully tapered and fleshy.