In this episode of Adventures in Angular the panel interviews Dave Cooper, who recently gave a talk at AngularConnect about using Mock Data. Dave starts by explaining more about his talk and sharing the benefits of using data mocking solutions and rapid prototyping. He shares the secrets of doing rapid prototyping. There are challenges to using mock data, Dave shares a few of them and explains how to overcome them. The number one challenge of using mock data is keeping it in sync with your real data and making it look real. Dave explains how to get started with mock data and shares library recommendations. The panel discusses the use cases for mock data and Dave walks them through a few scenarios for using mock data. He shares use case recommendations and discusses using mock data for testing. The panel discusses the benefits of using mock data for demos and courses. The possibilities and future of mock data and pact testing are explored. Dave shares his coding process and explains how much faster he can code by using mock data. LinksMocking made easy | Dave Cooper | - TestAngular.comShai - Shai - Angular 9: Getting Ready To Update to Angular 9 Dave - - Dough: Simple Contemporary BreadYounes - Younes - - A Christmas StoryCharles - Holiday InnCharles - White ChristmasCharles - The Bishop’s WifeCharles - Frozen 2Become a supporter of this podcast: