Dave Brook, together with his brother Alan, was a leading light of a very successful ULSA group in the late 1960s and the 1970s. ULSA's many important discoveries included Kingsdale Master Cave, Far Country in Gaping Gill, Black Shiver Pot, and the major part of Langcliffe Pot and was largely a result of undertaking major resurveying projects and an unwillingness to accept the guidebook. Dave was also a member of a number of international expeditions to places such as Borneo and China. This interview covers the (re)discovery of Gaping Gill Whitsun Series, searching for a way on in Hensler's roof passages, a "Cloak and Dagger" episode with the Bradford Pothole Club, and surveying Whitsun Series. It is interesting to compare with the BPC account of the same episode. These recordings were made in 1979 by Geoff Yeadon and Lindsay Dodd who were researching a book which was to be a follow-up to the Yorkshire Television film "Underground Eiger". The book was never written, but these valuable records remain.