How does one claw their way out of the deep hole of generational poverty and income inequality if the walls are too steep and slippery to climb? David Garfunkel has tackled this problem with meaningful results in his hometown of Jacksonville, FL. As President & CEO of the non-profit LIFT JAX, David has created meaningful and measurable community revitalization initiatives in Jacksonville’s Eastside, less than a mile from downtown. And it’s not just lofty talk and abstraction. "OutEast" is widely considered to be one of Jacksonville’s most important historically African-American neighborhoods dating back to the mid-1800s. LIFT JAX seeks such culturally rich, generationally inclusive, and economically diverse neighborhoods, where social connections across socioeconomic and racial demographics are commonplace. Instead of gentrification and displacement, legacy residents feel valued and part of the fabric of the growing community with newer residents. David's team is working to activate parks and green spaces and upgrade schools to better support activities for families. Home improvements and other investments in physical infrastructure support the ability for the community to thrive. These basic lifestyle improvements make a house a home and a neighborhood a village. This way, all residents feel welcomed, valued, and integral to the composition of their neighborhood. Their Purpose Built Communities model, grounded in the foundational beliefs that race and place matter, makes it possible for residents to experience greater racial equity, improved health outcomes, and increased upward mobility in their neighborhoods. For example, the beloved Debs Store was a neighborhood staple for more than 90 years until its closure left the Eastside a food desert. LIFT JAX reopened this community wellness anchor that now, once again, provides easy access to healthy food. David spent 3 years in the Peace Corps in community economic development in the Dominican Republic and then, following the 2010 earthquake, he moved to Port-au-Prince, Haiti to lead a rural loan and education program. David received a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School.
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