In Job 11-14, Job's friend Zophar accuses him of being wicked and deserving of his suffering, urging Job to repent. Job responds with deep anguish, questioning God's justice and lamenting his miserable condition, yet he maintains his integrity and challenges God to answer. As Job stands firm in his faith despite his inexplicable suffering, one wonders, "Will Job's relentless quest for answers lead him to a deeper understanding of God's ways?"
In Matthew 20:1-19, Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard workers. A landowner hires workers throughout the day, but pays all the same wage regardless of hours worked. This leads to grumbling among those who worked longest, but the landowner insists on his right to be generous. As the story unfolds, we're left to ponder, "Will the workers accept the landowner's unexpected generosity or cling to their own ideas of fairness?"
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Job 11-14
Matthew 20: 1-19
Psalm 17: 6-12