
  • Well facts are facts
    Nov 21 2024

    And the only thing fear is good for is deafening your ear to actual facts fishing out the truth and blinding you to the actual reality of the situation..... Graham Allen might I add being a n***** as a choice it is not a color so your White House can call themselves white all they want make me disagree that noir is the color and they are choosing to be a n***** by silencing my voice when they f***** up not me at least I did this with respect and honor can you say the same?

    Dear America men ar E. St up id o

    This is why kindergarteners get starts too :) win k

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    2 min
  • Beyonce b yawn s A y not much...... Rumpel Im still skin :)
    Nov 21 2024


    Let me explain something to you I don't give a f*** how many times you interfere with me uploading people are going to catch on you jackass

    Dear America men ar E. St up id o

    This is why kindergarteners get starts too :) win k

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    4 min
  • § o ! I'm el hoods! Nice two ma k e Ur ac quAI nT an C E!
    Nov 21 2024

    Let's say you take the Magna carta and compare it to the privacy act and code you are now moo dry Ur na mu
    * 3 or * 2 well it depends on how you wrap it so you start with the privacy act and you swing it to the Magna carta then you swing it to the first law ever created and then you swing it back to the middle where both the first but you're missing the fourth see the fourth is also the smaller apps that they called b******* which is robo Australia and the animal extinction acts yes r a n a e I think you know where I'm going with this fish okay so Hatfield and McCoy fish ponds and the Field of dreams after the hat let me explain something to you you can take down my statue but that doesn't make me not exist just like you can't break a stick over your leg and blame the wood high elwoods I wish but there are no drugs and drugs anywhere near here but that being said Harper valley before you judge me to harshly why don't you consider that well air rights and stuff and suddenly have amazing and so are my kids and here's the thing we'll see I didn't have to do anything but the mistake I made was trying to convince everybody that they matter so instead I let you all do whatever you were going to do anyways and well here we are 10,000 years later and I can gladly and honestly say I don't give a s*** if you like yourself we're going to take our perfect would you like to join us?! Don't worry it took me a minute to grow accustomed to the fact that there might not be anyone above me or below me and that kind of irritates me because I didn't like God very much before this all took place and I've only known about myself for 3 years and well before that I f****** hate it everybody and I hated God and now I'm like holy s*** now I realize why I hated God so much because it's government created the whole idea the whole concept the entire Bible is b******* it was written in a language that no one could read write or translate and yet here we are bitching and arguing about something that you literally don't have the right to decide if we're going to go over that live book no one sin is greater than the other if you don't keep the balance between four and six you will commit murder by the end and it will not be your fault
    Sin { strength in numbers) weakness in theirs hi
    Bad( better at decisions and the scissorhands hem!) hope the blind m and me the hook three and one in reverse and forward at the same damn time because it's one in the f****** thing and f*** you now what's my name!? Oh yes that's right your government declared me as property I did not deserve as such okay did you forget animals go extinct and what are humans again amazing so you were saying!?
    Now Judy stars spell evil BD AC k war dsL?

    Dear America men ar E. St up id o

    This is why kindergarteners get starts too :) win k

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    2 min
  • B e y o n ce!!!!!
    Nov 21 2024

    Haha ok

    Dear America men ar E. St up id o

    This is why kindergarteners get starts too :) win k

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    4 min
  • St eve WI L K os lol or KO s?
    Nov 21 2024

    Hollow points can be my name at least your Bible I took aim the CIA did provide the resources but are you special needs resources or just special and you're going to fulfill my needs?! Win na I muck Ur I zzzz oz

    Dear America men ar E. St up id o

    This is why kindergarteners get starts too :) win k

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    2 min
  • Chris Tomlin everyone! Or dry Christ Om yin!$$$ yay!
    Nov 21 2024

    Hey there Mr Kool-Aid cae la ID eh at weaver lol Nancy Pelosi like a weeble wobble Harper valley she can't handle herself sober it's okay!

    Dear America men ar E. St up id o

    This is why kindergarteners get starts too :) win k

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    4 min
  • Y y es we eiuie did i
    Nov 21 2024

    That pirate with the S name that passed by 12 men before walking off the plank okay casting crowns consider mine throwing th air zzz time to wake up everybody we matter whether you want us to or not!

    Dear America men ar E. St up id o

    This is why kindergarteners get starts too :) win k

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    4 min
  • Awe skittles yes em I ne m hiss sis ya ok Ur dumb
    Nov 21 2024


    Dear America men ar E. St up id o

    This is why kindergarteners get starts too :) win k

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    2 min