In a recent presentation on human-chimp similarities to LOGOS Research Associates, I made the (correct) claim that most new mutations are lost. An opponent attempted to make hay of this, claiming it disproves the 'creationist' calculations of the time to Y Chromosome Adam and Mitochondrial Eve. What he failed to understand, however, is that the Y and mt chromosomes are haploid and behave very differently to the rest of the genome. In fact, mutations occur in them in a ratchet-like manner and no degree of natural selection can change that. Do you want a lesson in population genetics? Tune in! Notes and links: My presentation to LOGOS Research Associates: "Chimp and Human (Dis)similarities by Dr. Robert Carter" Dan's attempt at a rebuttal: "Professional Creationist Makes Huge Admission" by Creation Myths An older video where I answer the same claims (Creation Myths ignores other people!): Genealogy vs Phylogeny: The War Continues Rupe and Sanford (2013) Using Numerical Simulation to Better Understand Fixation Rates, and Establishment of a New Principle: Haldane’s Ratchet Carter (2023) Genealogical vs Phylogenetic Mutation Rates: Answering a Challenge Fixation (population genetics) on Wikipedia A shrinking date for Eve Natural Selection in Paradise The 'two circles' illustration