
  • Holy Curses (Part 1): How the Curses of Old Covenant Became the Blessings of the New Covenant
    Jul 13 2024

    Did you know that the Gospel was originally a Curse? And speaking of curses, should Christians ever pray the vindictive Psalms of Cursing (otherwise known as the Imprecatory Psalms)? You know, the parts we skip over quickly because we don't know what to do with them. I argue that we should pray them, and that the New Testament teaches us to do so. But first we have to understand how Blessing and Cursing—along with Judgment and Mercy—are two sides of the same coin in God's covenants, and How the Curse is the only way to the blessing.

    #curse #covenant #psalms #judgment #bible #jesus #christ #gospel #christian #christianity

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    2 h et 12 min
  • Biblical Symbolism & Numerology (Pt. 3) - Revelation & 2020 Lockdown Explained - Q&A Stream
    1 h et 46 min
  • Biblical Symbolism & Numerology (Pt. 2) - The Law of Unclean Animals, Why We Failed the 2020 Test, & Why God Won't Grant True Revival
    May 28 2024

    We talk about Modern Revivalism in the Church as a carnal movement, how the Church failed God's test in 2020, and about how God will not bring true revival until we repent and put his house in order. We talk about modern preaching (w/"historical context," etc.) as a new form of elitist "gatekeeping" of Scripture that veils rather than reveals its true meaning. We also talk about how to interpret the Bible spiritually, the symbolism of clean and unclean animals, and more.

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    2 h et 20 min
  • Biblical Symbolism & Numerology (Pt. 1) - 666, Mark of the Beast, Signs, Curses, Covenants, Temples, the Ark of the Covenant, etc.- Q&A Stream
    May 14 2024

    We discuss the symbolism of 666, Mark of the Beast, Signs of the Covenant and the Curses, Blood Moons (Red Moons), whether the Solar Eclipse was the sign of Jonah, Temples as Human Bodies (Song of Songs), the true Ark of the Covenant and how to conquer the world and bring God's kingdom, the true nature of prayer & revival, whether we are still under the curse, why the Firstborns were Rejected, the twin theology of Esau and Jacob, How "Historical Context" can actually obscure Scripture, why Calvin was wrong about Romans 9, why Christ was baptized and tempted in the desert, and more!


    0:00 - Shenanigans & Prayer

    5:07 - I made a mistake... (pt 1) - Why is the Mark on the Forehead? Is it physical?

    8:38 - The Hypnosis of Media Entertainment - Is Pop Music Satanic False Worship?

    10:37 - Why did God put his Law "Between the Eyes?"

    12:17 - I made a mistake... (pt 2) - Cursed Mark & Bestial Image

    14:43 - Numerology of 666 & the 7th Day Sabbath, & the Cosmic Temple

    16:41 - "Come to Me" - Ark of the Covenant (God's Throne) = the Cross (the Altar of Sacrifice)

    21:08 - "More than conquerers" - Joshua conquered the land, We conquer the world

    25:57 - "Come to Me" (pt. 2) - Why Prayer is Difficult

    28:56 - Why Jesus Spoke in Riddles & Parables

    30:25 - The Gatekeeping of "Historical Context," & how it hides God's word

    34:16 - The Solar Eclipse and the Sign of Jonah ("a perverse generation seeks a sign")

    37:05 - Could the Mark of the Beast be Money (Mammon)?

    39:29 - Stop Judging People / Emotional does not equal Spiritual

    44:29 - Emotionalism as a substitute for Anointing, Revivalism vs. true Revival/Anointing

    47:46 - The Mark of the Beast is already here (pt. 1)

    52:54 - The Gospel is a Curse?? Mary is the Ark of the Covenant?? (Prototype of True Temple)

    1:02:10 - The Mark of the Beast is already here (pt. 2)

    1:04:10 - Each denomination has a hidden deposit from God that the others need.

    1:06:44 - The parts of the body are parts of the Temple (Song of Songs)

    1:11:21 - Is the physical Ark of the Covenant important? (Jesus' blood on the Mercy Seat?)

    1:12:25 - "The Moon Shall Be Turned to Blood" = The Old Covenant Was Lunar

    1:15:52 - Covenants - The Voice over the Waters (Why Jesus Preached from the Boat)

    1:26:05 - The Rapture (It's Not What You Think)

    1:29:03 - Sunday (Day 1) is the Mirror Image of Saturday (Day 7) (New Sabbath)

    1:31:14 - Bearing the Curse Against Mammon

    1:33:49 - Why the Firstborn Female was Not Consecrated like the Male

    1:46:55 - Why Christ Had to be Baptized ("To Fulfill All Righteousness?")

    1:36:25 - Esau is Adam, Jacob is Christ & Why Christ Fasted in the Desert

    1:45:15 - Why Calvin was Wrong About Romans 9

    1:46:01 - 0.66666666666 ?? (The "Thirds" of Revelation)

    1:47:19 - How to Rule in God's Kingdom (Why Jesus Healed on Sabbath)

    1:50:26 - A Personal Request (+ Teaser)

    1:53:18 - "Historical Context" is slave, not master (How to Read the Bible)

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    1 h et 57 min
  • Why Christians Meet on Sunday, Not Saturday (Did the Sabbath Change??) - The Meaning of Circumcision
    May 11 2024

    Isn't the Sabbath supposed to be Saturday? Why do Christians observe Sunday? We talk about the true meaning and symbolism of the Sabbath, Circumcision, the Tabernacle, the Day of the Lord, and Church on Sunday Morning... Why were Hebrew infants circumcised on the eighth day? Why did Christ die on Friday and rise on Sunday? What is the Sabbath rest?

    Detailed Discussion in the Upcoming Episodes (Q&A Streams) Timecodes: 00:00 - Coming Up 1:18 - Isn't the Sabbath on Saturday? (Also, why you should stop Googling Bible questions) 4:29 - The Meaning of Circumcision - Why were Hebrew infants circumcised on the Eighth Day? 8:51 - Why God rejected the firstborn sons (Cain, Ishmael, Esau, Reuben, etc.) 12:00 - Christ's Crucifixion is the Circumcision of Adam 14:04 - Sabbath Rest as Enthronement 15:30 - "It is finished" - Why Christ dies on the 6th Day and rises on the 8th Day 17:46 - What is "The Day of the Lord" - Every Sunday is a Judgment Day 24:31 - Closing Remarks #Sabbath #Shabbot #Shalom #Passover #SabbathRest #Symbolism #shekinah #shekinahglory #holyofholies #GoodFriday #Holy Saturday #EasterSunday #resurrection #Bible #Tabernacle #Temple #Abraham #OldTestament

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    27 min
  • Everyone Is Wrong About 666 & the Mark of the Beast
    May 9 2024

    What is the Mark of the Beast according to Scripture? What does the number 666 mean? How do we read the book of Revelation? We discuss biblical symbolism and numerology in the Apocalypse of John (the Book of Revelation) and why everyone gets it wrong.* We touch on the greater problem we have today of reading Scripture primarily according to historical and cultural (or scientific) context—that is, according to the letter and the flesh, rather than according to the Spirit.

    Q&A Follow-Up Streams which followed the original airing of this episode (April 2024) will be released following the next episode after this. Look for "Biblical Symbolism & Numerology" Parts 1 & 2, forthcoming. Subscribe so you don't miss it.

    *This is hyperbole, don't take offense. I mean that the loudest and most ubiquitous voices on this topic are the ones who are (nearly always) wrong. Timecodes: 0:00 - Preview 1:18 - Scripture Interprets Scripture 4:52 - "Historical Context" as Modern Gatekeeping (Teaser) 7:20 - Why Everyone Is Wrong About the Book of Revelation 9:59 - The Mark of the Beast (Symbolism) 17:34 - 666 (Numerology of 6 & 7) 26:05 - Beasts, Antichrists, Harlots, and other Archetypes 31:42 - Next Episode Teaser - "Why Christians Meet On Sunday, Not Saturday (Did the Sabbath Change??)"

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    33 min
  • Visions Of Hell, The Three Heavens, The Spirit Realms, Trances & Out-Of-Body, & the Spiritual Ascension of the Mystical Church
    May 8 2024

    What is hell? What are the "three heavens" in the Bible? We discuss the nature of hell and the spirit realms, touching on "Hell Tourism" books (e.g. 23 Minutes in Hell), near-death & out-of-body experiences, visions & trances, and how Sunday Morning Church is deeply connected to all of this. Timecodes 0:00 - Preview Teaser 0:58 - Near-Death Experiences, Visions of Hell (23 Minutes in Hell, "hell tourism," etc.) 5:08 - What is Hell? The Reason for Hell and the Fire of God. 8:02 - The Paradox of Hell (God's Presence as Torment) 12:17 - Are Paranormal Experiences Real (Out-of-Body, etc.)? Biblical examples, etc. 16:33 - The Cloud of God, The Three Heavens, etc. (Spirit Realms in the Bible) 22:28 - The Mystical Church & What Happens on Sunday Morning (pt.1) 26:54 - Angels as Tutors, Images of the Spirit, & Satan's Downfall 29:05 - The Mystical Church & What Happens on Sunday Morning (pt.2) 31:26 - Next Episode Preview/Trailer (The Mark of the Beast)

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    32 min
  • Ep. 4 - The Poison in the Modern Church - Why God Made Male & Female - Part 4 of 4
    May 7 2024

    Episode 4. Finally, I address the context of the infamous Mike Todd clip. Is Mike Todd ashamed of Scripture? Mike Todd admits to the biblical sexual ethic but doesn't know why. Here is the problem. Timecodes: 0:00 - Introduction: The Emperor's New Clothes 0:40 - Chapter 1: Blind Watchdogs 2:43 - Chapter 2: The Long Con(text) 9:13 - Chapter 3: The Orphanage of Souls 13:05 - Chapter 4: Blind Shepherds 15:36 - Chapter 5: Therefore, Ye Shepherds 20:07 - Chapter 6: We Who Teach 22:20 - Chapter 7: Flattering Lips, Double Heart This is PART 4 of a 4-part series. Catch up on Episodes 1-3 (on Channel) for a DEEP DIVE into the MEANING OF MALE AND FEMALE.

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    24 min