
  • #1 Goddess Awakens: Envisioning a Magical 2025, Love & Blessings!
    Jan 18 2025

    ✨Starting off Season 2 with a Live Meditation Replay✨

    Let's kickstart 2025 with Divine Ease, Grace and Alignment with the Goddesses in a Powerful, Magical Healing Temple of Light!

    Year 2025: Rise of the Divine Feminine

    💃🏻Join us in a powerful, magical ceremony within a healing temple of light, surrounded by the Goddesses from the Higher Dimensions, Goddesses of Creation, and your team of Goddesses of the highest and purest loving frequencies.

    ✨We welcome you to a gentle homecoming with the Divine Mother energies within & around each of us.

    🌟As the Divine Feminine energies reawaken within each of us, beckoning us onwards a journey of self-transformation, we prepare you with the light codes to experience this year with Divine ease, grace and alignment.

    ❄️In this ceremony, we reconnect with all parts of ourselves - our past, present and future selves; our parallel existences; our higher self and soul; our inner children; our wounded selves, trauma and pain bodies. Nourishing ourselves in the loving, pristine frequencies of these Goddesses.

    🕊️We envision ourselves enroute the pathway of the Highest Timeline available to us, surrounded and protected by these Goddesses.

    Listen to the full recording here (including channelled transmissions)


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    31 min
  • #94: Sharing on My Physical Healing in the Akashic Records and Upcoming Meditation Event
    May 18 2024

    In this episode, I shared my story of being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases since 2005 and my doctor's prescription of warfarin (a type of rat poison) to me, which I took daily from Aug 2010 to Oct 2022, with various side-effects. I also shared on how accessing my Akashic Records allowed me to fully heal my autoimmune diseases and to successfully cut off warfarin since Nov 2022.

    Lastly, I shared more details of my monthly meditation circles, with my next meditation event on "Quantum Healing of Physical Body with Blue Buddha & Earth Dragons". You may also purchase a replay on my website here after the event.

    Read the transcript here.

    Credits to music used: lemonmusicstudio, The Cradle of Your Soul; White_Records, Deep Relaxation Meditation. Nervous System Healing

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    23 min
  • #93: Case Study 30 - Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session with Olivia*
    Mar 29 2024

    In this session, Olivia* (not her real name) asked:

    (1) What’s causing the panic attack?
    (2) Why do I have such a fear of my father?
    (3) How about my relationship with Orlando*?
    (4) Any final messages that the Masters have for me?

    Read the transcript here.

    Credits to music used: lemonmusicstudio, The Cradle of Your Soul; RelaxingTime, Piano Calm Music

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    35 min
  • #92: Case Study 29 - Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session with David*
    Mar 14 2024

    In this session, David* (not his real name) asked:

    (1) My first question is more related to career or professional life. I am at the crossroads. I’ve been living in this country for many years. And I’ve always wanted to start something more entrepreneurial – online business over here. I also have this option to choose a career or job in another region, where I lived earlier. At this point in time, I’m not able to choose whether to: i) continue in the same job in this country, or ii) take a year off to do some kind of business, or iii) go back to the other region for a job. I’m toying around certain things, but there is no definite direction. And it would be really good to know if it’s a business, then who should I partner with or can I go solo? Who should I trust?
    (2) My second question is around my relationships with my family. My marriage was an inter caste marriage and that has kind of severed my relation with my parents and siblings. To much extent, it has affected me. I hope that will get better at some point of time. But since it was an inter caste marriage, it wasn’t accepted well, or it hasn’t been accepted. So, every time I have to get into a web of lies or put on a mask in order to show that everything is fine. And that false image of me trying to fix this thing with my family has impacted me a lot on a personal level. I am not happy in general with this kind of an arrangement with my family. I would love to hope that this gets better. How long is this going to be? Will I be able to achieve some kind of normalcy at some point in time?
    (3) In general, I would like to ask if there is anything I should know, or anything that the Records or the Masters would like to tell me?

    Read the transcript here.

    Credits to music used: lemonmusicstudio, The Cradle of Your Soul; RelaxingTime, Relaxing Music Part 12

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    31 min
  • #91: Case Study 28 - Deep Clarity in Soul's Purpose(s) & Choices in Life with Maya*
    Mar 7 2024

    In this session, Maya* (not her real name) asked:

    (1) I would like to know more about my career path, because it’s very unclear to me. I currently work in marketing, and I’m doing well in it. But I don’t really feel fulfilled, as if there’s something else that I need to dedicate to.
    (2) My other question has to do with my love life. I wouldn’t say it’s messy, it was quite a journey always. I would like to have insights. I know that my life path is my own and will never be combined with somebody else. But I would like to have a life partner as well. But because I’m so free, as soon as I get in some kind of connection, I get restricted and I can feel very suffocated.
    (3) I used to have a big connection. He was definitely a Soulmate and I knew him from other lives. The moment I saw him, it was instant recognition. And he brought a big lesson to me. I would like to know if it’s like done for this lifetime, or if there’s still a deeper lesson there.
    (4) Any final messages that the Masters have for me?

    Read the transcript here.

    Credits to music used: lemonmusicstudio, The Cradle of Your Soul; RelaxingTime, New Age Music No.6

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    43 min
  • #90: Case Study 27 - Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session 2 with Aila*
    Feb 23 2024

    In this session, Aila* (not her real name) asked:

    (1) What is the lesson that I need to learn from my relationship with my parents? They are pretty distant and not particularly warm. My mother is an extremely negative person, which makes it very difficult to want to be closer to her.
    (2) For my dad, he’s distant, he’s not so negative, but he doesn’t communicate much. And I always felt like he valued his money more than me.
    (3) I generally have a difficulty being punctual. I know a lot of it is because I’m in a rush, and I choose to have a rushed life. My Guides already told me to slow down. Is there some other message?
    (4) Any final messages?

    Read the transcript here.

    Credits to music used: lemonmusicstudio, The Cradle of Your Soul; RelaxingTime, Relax Music Vol.14

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    43 min
  • #89: Case Study 26 - Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session with Aila*
    Feb 5 2024

    In this session, Aila* (not her real name) asked:

    (1) I’ve pain on three points in my body, all on the right side. The right scapular tends to come on when I’m tired or stressed. More recently, my right elbow would hurt again, stress and fatigue, I think. And most recently, my right wrist hurts. The right scapular issue has been there for the past 10 years. So, I don’t know if there’s a story or history behind it all?
    (2) I’ve been short sighted at a very young age and developed long-sightedness for more than 30 years. Is it due to the same reason of the disharmony of the feminine side?
    (3) Are the Guides able to sort of look into the future? For example, my team is short of one person and I’m talking to my boss on Monday about it. I don’t know how much of a fight that will have to be. Are they able to tell me whether it will be an easy conversation, or it will be a lot of effort for me?
    (4) I generally sleep very well, and I have nightmares, which doesn’t happen that often. It’s always of people physically chasing me. I’m running and people are running after me. Is it due to stress or what’s the message from my Guides?
    (5) Are my Guides able to verify whether it’s a great idea that I left my last job?
    (6) Any messages in general they have for this session?

    Read the transcript here.

    Credits to music used: lemonmusicstudio, The Cradle of Your Soul; RelaxingTime, Autumn Music No.6

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    37 min
  • #88: Case Study 25 - Akashic Light Reading & Healing Session with Andrea*
    Jan 27 2024

    In this session, Andrea* (not her real name) asked:

    (1) I just really like to know, moving forward in my life, a general guide of my life purpose?
    (2) You mentioned that the power or magic is in my hands. I kind of resonate with that. It’s just that I don’t know how to get to the point of believing that I deserve it. I don’t think I believe I’m capable, or I don’t know what they see in me. This has always been my fault. So, I’m still on that healing journey in a sense of being proud of myself. For me, I can believe in other people, I can give them hope and all that whenever they need. But when it comes to me, I have a problem seeing myself as that. How do I get out of that? Not from a psychological point, but more from a heart space.
    (3) I resonated with what you mentioned since young, that there is something more about my life or about me. And then things happened that I’m very grateful for, even the darker side and life lessons, because it kind of placed me in this mindset where sometimes difficult situations in life, everyone has gone through a lot or a fair bit. Sometimes, it takes a person who can handle very difficult situations in life, to go through whatever we all had to go through. So, I’m just understanding, why me, and how to quantify that?
    (4) This is just my own personal truth. It doesn’t necessarily apply to everybody, but it’s something that I maybe feel, or what I went through, or just what I discovered about myself or maybe life in general. So, I’m just trying to understand if I’m even right to think this way. I’ve always believed that life is a paradox. I don’t necessarily believe that bad is bad. And good may not always be good. So, I believe that there is always such a thing as cause and effect, whether it’s a good cause or bad cause, but a bad cause may not necessarily have forever bad effects. Sometimes, you have to be a bad person, in order to be a good person in such a way. So, I don’t know if this concept that I’ve learned is right or wrong?
    (5) I just want to know more about my love life in the near future. Not asking really about far away, but maybe more of like a sense of hope. I’m not ashamed to admit that I would like to have someone eventually, but I don’t want to get into something that is like the wrong person. So, I just want some clarity on that department of my life.
    (6) Any final messages for me?

    Read the transcript here.

    Credits to music used: lemonmusicstudio, The Cradle of Your Soul; RelaxingTime, Autumn Music No.4

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    47 min