Join us LIVE, Tuesday night January 16th, 8:00 PM EST (6:00 PM MST) on MUFON \"WHAT’S UP\"! Katie Paige, Shane Hurd, and Tara Diulus will be talking with special guest Derrel Sims, \"The Alien Hunter\".
Derrel discovered the alien implant phenomenon in 1960! He later pioneered research protocols, such as \"alien fluorescence\" and orchestrated the first public surgeries and testing of alleged implants from the human body.
Derrel has in his possession the largest collection of physical evidence of alien/human contact including skin samples, DNA samples, X-rays/MRIs, sonograms, objects with possible forensic traces (glass, wall, etc.), and anomalous implants/artifacts.
He was the first abduction researcher to initiate reaction from alien, via post-hypnotic suggestions installed behind the abductee’s subconscious; he developed an extensive questionnaire for alleged alien experiencers employing a variety of analytical techniques including symbolic profiling drawings, handwriting analysis, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and hypnotherapy.
Join us every Tuesday evening, 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. EST on, for the best alternative talk radio on the planet, and find out what’s up!