Bad design from 2018, plus other usability problems, dark patterns, how a computer forced David into an encounter with a naked man & the origins of the PlayStation buttons.
Other things we talk about:
- Dongles
- Bad usability prevents Americans from voting
- How the hamburger menu is horrible
- A urinal game
- A building that injures people
- A terrible robot shop assistant
- A computer forces David into an encounter with a naked man
- The origins of the PlayStation buttons
- Inclusive design
Links mentioned:
- The worst design crimes of 2018)
- T-Mobile Slapped With A $40 Million Fine For Its Deceptive Design)
- Banish the Hamburger Menu, Adopt Pizza Menus
The Unusable podcast is presented by Andrew Waite & David Ball, who discuss the importance of user experience (UX) in technology & the world around us, & talk about great design that just works - or moan about it when it doesn't. Here's the link to the episode: Music is by [Gold5472](