This month the Sun traverses the first water sign of the zodiac, Cancer. Cancer rules our youngest, most fundamental emotions, which are imprinted during our early years. Cancer rules our unconscious emotional memory, our pre-verbal emotional intuition and intelligence, and our private inner experience of life. Representatives of the Cancer archetype include the protective and nurturing Mother, and the sensitive and vulnerable Infant. Our bodies are containers for our emotions, which in turn affect our physical and mental health and well-being. Yet emotions are often considered unimportant, or ignored, even denied and suppressed. However they are an important part of our human experience. They are the source of, or give rise to our unconscious automatic responses and behaviors. Special guest Patricia Kendall, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist, an Accredited Journey Practitioner, and Licensed Spiritual Health Coach. She describes emotions for us, how they work, and using them healthily.