
  • The Word of God!
    Feb 27 2025

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    The sword of the Spirit, is necessary to battle the temptations we face from the devil. Our devotion to meditate upon the Word of God, helps us hear His voice in a loud and busy world. As we rightly divide the Word, we can discern false teachings. We can use our Bible knowledge to teach, building up the church and equipping them to do the work God has called us to do! We must avoid petty disagreements, but also stand firm upon the word of, because it is inspired, inerrant, and true!

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    50 min
  • Jesus is God!
    Feb 25 2025

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    Lord, liar, or lunatic? CS Lewis has pointed out those are the choices, when it comes to Jesus. This study of John 5, has the battle between dead religion, and Jesus. Healing on the sabbath, and claiming to be the Son of God, were the crimes that Jesus was ultimately crucified for. He arose the third day, proving His claim of divinity, and changing the world forever! Now he wants to change your heart, by revealing Himself as your risen savior. Will you receive Him, or reject Him?

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    23 min
  • The Holy Spirit of God!
    Feb 24 2025

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    In this session, we see the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of Truth. He brings life, as He testifies of Christ, convicts us of sin, and walks with us so we are never alone. We are not orphans, but sons of God who are led by the Spirit of Christ. His Spirit, testifies with our spirit, that we are His children. He is our advocate, and our source of strength. He prays for us, when we do not know how, or what to pray, and he always leads us to cry out, Abba, Father!

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    22 min
  • Adoption!
    Feb 24 2025

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    We were not only saved, but made sons by adoption! Though many have reduced salvation to a transaction of debts being paid, the clear teaching of scripture is that His great mercy and forgiveness of our sin; this was so that we might be adopted by our Heavenly Father. As Jesus brings many sons to glory, we can know it is because the Father loves us, and the Spirit he has given us cries out to Him, Abba! Father!

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    24 min
  • The gospel!
    Feb 24 2025

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    The gospel is the good news! However, it’s only appreciated in light of the bad news. We had broken God’s law, and were under a curse of sin, and death. Our sinfulness separated us from God, but in His love, God sent His Son, to pay our debt, break the curse, and bring new life. Reconciled by grace through faith in Jesus! His death, burial, and resurrection, exposed our sin, but also revealed our Savior. We repent from rejecting Him, when we hear the gospel, and the Holy Spirit leads us to confess Him as our Lord! The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life!

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    25 min
  • Forgiveness,
    Feb 24 2025

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    This was recorded live, at a Bible study. Biblical forgiveness is upon the gospel, in that we are to forgive others, as Jesus has forgiven us. At one point in the study, a lady objected that I was making it sound easy, and it isn’t that easy. You will hear me agree with her, by saying it is actually impossible, without the grace of God, and power of His spirit. It is only because of how much we were forgiven, that we can forgive, following Christ’s command, example, and process!

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    51 min