
  • Water Clean-up Atlanta: Process 2
    May 18 2020
    In this is the next segment of the flooded house water cleanup in Atlanta. In this one, we're going to be continuing some more looking at the actual cleanup process some of the washing and sanitizing aspects. I get a number of questions related to the exterior wall of the home and generally what we will find is that the exterior wall can't well dry because there's enough once the wall is opened up. There's enough exposure both on the inside and outside to adequately dry it but there are some things that you will want to take a look at.If we're looking at a brick facing on a home, we want to make sure that the weep holes are open so that the water is draining out of that wall cavity, making sure that we've got airflow there to help with the drying of that brick facing. If we're going with a stucco facing on a house we'll need to be opening up that wall cavity on the inside. Again, making sure that we've got good airflow so that were drying both the inside and outside of that stucco surface. We also have a COVID-19 biohazard cleaning service we provide in Many cities including Minneapolis were we are based. The top rightpicture shows a wall with siding lap siding and then we have a fiberboard a thing, sometimes referred to as buffalo board and it'll really require a little more investigation with this one to determine whether that buffalo board is still intact and again by opening the inside removing the insulation. Now have airflow on both sides that may or may not be able to be salvaged in the bottom. In the left picture, it really shows that with most of our homes we have a sheathing surface that the outside siding or whatever is applied against and that cheating really will dry typically because of our vinyl siding. Our steel sliding the lap siding all allow a fair amount of airflow through them to allow for that drying process to take place so you really need to open the wall take a look at it but frequently what we will expect is that outside wall will dry down and we will not have to actually take that part of the wall apart. When we're looking at the electrical parts of our home, all of the electrical fixtures switch outlets circuit breakers submerged in the flood water will need to be replaced. Electric motors will need to be professionally reconditioned as I indicated earlier the mud and debris get in there and becomes an electrical hazard. It may affect the life of that motor as well, so we really need to determine is it worth having someone professionally recondition it or do I just get a new motor with the electrical wiring, it'll depend on the type of wire that is used and we will really need to consult an electrician or an electrical inspector. Have determined whether that needs to be replaced or not so with all of these wereally need to have an electrician or electrical inspector involved. As we start doing the refurbishing of the electrical system with photographs and other valuable materials generally, with photos if they are wet what's best is to put them into a plastic bag and freeze them. If we can put some wax paper between the layers that will stop any of thedeterioration and then we can do the water damage restoration cleanup later. Important papers typically will end up musty and moldy so we probably need to photocopy them and once they're dry and then discard the originals CDs/DVDs generally, they can be rinsed and cleaned up with water.Dried crawlspaces are kind of a special area that we need to look at because most of the homes should have a poly orplastic, on that kind of floor in the crawlspace but many of them do not we're going to have a very saturated environment. In that crawl space that needs to be dried out and we need to remove the plastic. If it is there removeother things that might be in the crawl space and then we need to dry it as rapidly as we can and what works bestfor that is ventilation moving air, through the crawl space we recommend putting a fan facing to the outdoors sowe're pulling air in through one side and then the fan is forcing the air out. Another side we want to vacuum in thatcrawl space because if we put positive pressure in there if we face the fan blowing into the crawl space it'll pushany air through plumbing openings or other openings up into the living space and contaminate that. We don't wantthat so we want the vacuum. We want the suction by blowing the fans of the outdoors and that then allows us to veryeffectively dry that soil it'll take a long time for the soil to dry but that is how we will dry that area. Once we getit all dry then, we put the plastic back on the soil once we have everything opened up they have all of the debris removed. Then we look at flood cleaning structure and the recommendation is to use water and flush all of the non-porous surfaces. Some type of sprayer is shown in that top picture really works quite well too, to flush off all of the larger mud and debris. Once we've got it flushed off then, we come in and ...
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    13 min
  • Clean Up Home Restoration After Flood: Carpet and Curtains
    Apr 20 2020
    Carpet is always a tough problem and people spend a lot of money on carpets especially when you walk into a home like this and it isn't a piece left anywhere and isn't totally saturated with floodwater. Many of us in the past, have had to deal with flooded basements and people realize that it is possible to clean up some carpets, but flooded groundwater is very very different. This type of circumstance where you have all of the raw sewage and everything else that's in the floodwater. For the most part in a flooded home like this, the carpets should just be discarded and there should be no attempt to salvage it. One of the situations with drapes, as you almost have to play it by ear and almost every the situation like these, folks have moved they're lifted their drapes up and I don't believe this has actually been in the flood water or in damage and this type of curtain would be something that was cleanable. The washing machine starts with many drapes and would have been ones that had to be dry-cleaned or to remove flood water damage and sometimes the drape will actually get wet but in this circumstance, where it doesn't appear it's wet it just is hanging here and it's got a lot of odor in it. From the odors that are in the room and in the space, but I'm sure it could be cleaned in a washing machine with the procedures. We're recommending cleaning any machine that is a washable fabric and in this room, there's obviously some vertical panels window treatments that have not been in the flood itself. It will often be the case, but as they stay here over the time and it takes to get the insurance adjuster here and before they can actually start to clean up mildew and all of the various other contaminants will start affecting. One of these products and there are many things in a home that will require dry cleaning. Now obviously, if it's flood-soaked and if it's down on the floor and it's soaked with water it will probably ruin and if it's a dry cleanable, only product. However, there are drapes and many drapes that do have to be dry-cleaned and it may just be some water spotting on the lower edge or they still may look relatively clean, but they're starting to be affected by mildew. Eventually, we'll need dry cleaning and it's very very important and everything be dry. Before you take it to the dry cleaner, they cannot put wet products into their machines without totally disrupting the humidity level. So, you do need to get them dried out and then, take them for the dry cleaning process. Dry cleaning is effective at sanitizing and cleaning, so basically, if it's a dry cleanable product and it's not already ruined because it's flooded in water-soaked and that is a good alternative on getting some of these materials cleaned up. Now, we're in the basement and with all of the many things that we're finding down here and upsetting in the heaps here is an upholstered couch of some sort. Now, this particular piece doesn't have any exposed wood, but many times when a family comes back in and they find the favorite old family chair that is an upholstered chair and has nice cherry wood arms and the first question is, is it salvageable something like? This probably they would want to just get rid of, but if this were a keepsake family piece or a very well-made piece of furniture, it might be worth trying to salvage on upholstered furniture. What they need to do, is to get it into a dry space and if it's not raining to the out of doors, they should never leave a wood item sitting in the Sun for a long period of time, but for a short period and that's fine it'll help to dry it out. Then, they need to strip it of all of the upholstery and of all of the stuffings. Anything that is a textile type of fabrications that backing the underneath part and all of this to get rid of it. After it's stripped down to the frame then, send it and dried out the wood and cleaned up with a substance to a wood. Poor a cleaning compound that will clean up the wood and the rust is taken off of any moving parts. Cleaned up and then itcould be sent to have it reupholstered and re cushioned and obviously to go to that kind of trouble and that kind ofexpense it probably needs to be an item and for some reason or another, you really don't want to part with it. Otherwise, for upholstered furniture, it's probably best to discard it.Another item that we're fighting a lot of down here is children's toys and children and never like to part with their toys. It's very tempting to clean those lot of toys and those are hard plastics. At this point, it depends upon what materials they're made from whether they will survive the disinfecting process, but never just hose off a toy and let a child have it back unless you're totally sure that you have disinfected. All of the surfaces, the cracks, and the crevices and there's no question about it. This deep freeze, just like many appliances it is probably best to do something other than try to reuse the same ...
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    7 min
  • Flood Restoration House Clean-up: Structure, Utilities and Mold
    Apr 13 2020
    This is Kenneth Hellevang of an agricultural engineer with the NDSU Extension Service and we're looking now at this the second of the five segments on flooded house cleanup. In this one, we're gonna focus on the structure utilities and look at a Minneapolis mold removal and cleanup in the home typically, the first thing that the city or governmental unit will do is to bring a team in and do an evaluation of the home. They'll look for the structural hazards and they'll look to make sure that the electricity is shut off, that the gas is there aren't any environmental dangers. Then they will post on the home some kind of a placard or sheet that indicates that that home has been inspected. So, this was what you will see as you come back to your flooded home as you come through to that. We look at a flooded damaged home in Minneapolis and found how important it is to do your own evaluation and the first thing that you're going to do is to look at the structure and really look for any signs of movement. Look for alignment any bowing that's occurring cracks that have shown up in the foundation or concrete or walls any good shape. If you see something then you really need to bring in a contractor or somebody else a building inspector that can help you determine what's the structural integrity of that home. The other thing that you'll want to look for is floors and ceiling. If floors that have been flooded for an extended period of time may have delaminated, lost their structural strength and it's important that you use some type of probe or board. To really check that surface for strength as you're coming into the home, also be looking up at the ceiling. If the whole house was flooded portions of the ceiling it may have fallen parts of it and it may still be hanging up there and might fall on you. Here are a couple of pictures that I took that the one on the left is obviously a home that has been moved off of its foundation and this home would be very difficult to reclaim the picture. On the right just shows you, that there will be a lot of kind of surprising things. As you come into your flood and disaster damage home this is a picture showing a mobile, one of these travel trailers motor homes where it floated and during the flood and was actually pushed into the end of this house and so you'll be wanting to lookup high down low everywhere. As you're coming back checking for what the condition of that home and yard is, as you're making your reentry and as I indicated the utility should have shut the electricity off but it's very important for you to verify, that electricity has been shut off before you start work. If we're in a home, where part of it was flooded and part of it wasn't making sure that that the electricity is off in the areas where you will be working and then I strongly encourage you to use a ground fault circuit interrupter on any equipment. Electrical equipment that you're going to be using if you don't have one available. I encourage you really to purchase one shown here in this Center extension cord, it has the ground fault circuit interrupter right into that device and so it's important to use a circuit interrupter because that is what's going to provide you your personal safety. It measures the electricity going out to the piece of equipment coming back from the piece of equipment and if there's a difference, it'll shut that circuit off, immediately and so if you're using shop vacs or anything else in a damp environment, critical that you use a GFI.In that circuit, also make sure that the gas has been shut off to any of the heating appliances that might be in the home. As we're coming into a flooded home, frequently the power will be shut off so we'll need to provide some kind o emergency power standby or emergency generator to provide the electric power that we need for lighting and for tools and equipment, that we're going to be using. One of the major hazards with a standby generator is that it's producing carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other combustion pollutants and we don't want that to be settling into the home where we're working. So make sure that that generator is off to the side. Some distance from the house, so that it has good circulation and ventilation around it. Things that you'll need to have as you're going in lighting will need to be provided and you're going to be doing a lot of cleaning and pairing things apart, so you'll need tools and equipment to do that and there will be a lot of materials to be called out of the structure, so we'll need some type of containers for that garbage. There may not be bathroom facilities, so we need to think about that and then always make sure that we have a first aid kit, mold, and grows very quickly. We post about this flood on Twitter back then and continue to post about all things water damage in Minneapolis at our disaster restoration page.If we have a warm damp environment, sometimes it's very obvious and it is shown on ...
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    11 min
  • Flood Restoration House Clean-up: Protection from Hazards
    Apr 12 2020
    This is Kenneth Hellevang agricultural engineer with the NDSU Extension Service and we're going to be doing a series of five short video clips related to the flood restoration house cleanup process. The first one is going to be on protection from hazards, as you're going in and doing the cleanup it's important that we be aware of what we're going to face and take appropriate protection to so that we don't get hurt. As we're doing that cleanup, it's important that we start into this process that we're aware that there are going to be companies that come in to help you, do the cleanup and it's critical that if you are going to utilize some of those services, make sure that those contractors have the local licensing bonding insurance training and certifications, that are required to do the work for you. Most of these companies are certainly legitimate companies that come in but it is important to make sure that you verify with them that they have the appropriate credentials to be doing the work for you. As you get in and making decisions about the disaster restoration cleanup, it's important to seek help. This is a task that we've never phased before and it's important that we learn how to do it correctly and that if there are questions that we're seeking out help, not only help for the actual. Nuts and bolts part of doing the cleanup, but also there's a lot of financial and emotional aspects related to the water disaster cleanup, so it's important that we don't be making hasty decisions and that we work our way through the process and we really need to be thinking of this as a marathon. It will go and take us some time to get that home recovered for us and if we don't do the cleanup immediately. It's important that we take steps and try to minimize the amount of damage that will continue to occur in the home. One of the major issues that were going to be facing is mold growth with the moist conditions in the home. In the building that worm the impair is going o cause mold to grow extensively and as shown on this right slide, as we look here you can see that there is a mold that is occurring not only on the lower level, where there might have been moisture but throughout the structure. So it's critical that we try to do a drying out of the structure, as quickly as we can and also when things are still damp maybe we want to be looking at some major cleaning of some of the mold and muck that will come in.As part of that flood event and try to move some of that away from the structure as much as we can. While it is still wet, but do that initial assessment and determine really what it is that we're going to be tackling, first and how we're going to proceed through the water cleanup process. There's a lot of hazards associated with doing a cleanup in a home that has been flooded and I've listed a number of them. Here, there are structural issues we need to make sure that the floor is still sound and it's not going to cave in underneath and us as we come into the home, we need to be concerned about electricity making sure the electricity is shut off so that we don't get electrical shocks or electrical electrocution. There's also going to be some issues related to telephone and cable, they're both carrying electricity as well and we need to be aware of that concern. Mold is a major health hazard in the home and we'll be focusing on that quite a bit their biological contamination and we'll have water that contaminated with sewage. In many cases, we need to be making sure that we're protecting ourselves so that we don't end up with health problems because we're working in that flooded. However, that have lead dust as a hazard and was used in paint extensively before about 1975, so it's important that if we're doing removal of paint. Surfaces that were painted before, that we keep the surface wet and that we're not creating dust that will create a lead hazard. The same thing is true with as best if we have a boiler or some ductwork that is insulated and has asbestos in its tiles. Again, be aware of that hazard and make sure that we're using personal protective equipment and keeping that material. Wet carbon dioxide will be an issue and we'll touch on that and a car is just the normal cuts and punctures associated with working in these flooded homes. When we're dealing with floodwater, they categorized flood water in different categories depending on what was in the water. A category one is clean water, such as might come from a broken water pipe or a rainwater grey. Water or category two contains some contamination and microorganisms such as might come from dishwashers sump and pump toilets, with here. Category three is water that contains pathogenic agents and that is sewage surface water flooding there, which be pesticides in that. We really don't know what's in that water and that's really what we're looking at when we're doing a flood damage cleanup and category three flood event and need to be using caution...
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    11 min