Join our special 4-Part VIP Client Spotlight Interviews: Discover Ancient Temple Secrets of Ephesus where you'll hear about my incredible clients' transformative journeys to Ephesus -Mega Power Place, Mystery School Centre, Bridge Between East & West, and Home to one of the 7 Wonders of the World!
Tune into this episode to you'll find out how my client, landscape architect and founder of Garden Constellations®, Goedele Aerts' VIP Retreat to Ephesus helped her:
✓ Blow open her creation capacities and tap forces of vitality and fertility 🌱 key for birthing sanctuaries of her dreams
✓ Access an essential design tool for generating beautiful energetically aligned gardens that heal her clients and this planet 🌎
✓ Unleash her intuitive powers and capacity to sense subtle energies in the earth with flow and ease (rather than self-doubt) so she leads her projects with laser precision and confidence
✓ Become rooted in an undying source of bounty and joy ❤️ feeding her professional and personal life while paving the way for her soul's bigger mission
Key nuggets
03:55 - The magic of Ephesus and what it will do for you in terms of awakening your intuitive powers and creative capacities.
07:13 - To raise the vibration of ourselves, we have to raise the vibration of the earth and our property. Let's start with the garden...
12:13 - The Temple of Artemis and the knowing in my belly.
19:09 - I remember standing there and feeling this huge energy line. I felt it through my feet, through my body. It was vibrating. I never felt this before. I said: 'Oh! This is a power place!'.
20:33 - The greatest shift in my 44 years that has made everything open up.
24:00 - These goddesses are awakening the temple.
26:46 - Guided by the Dragon.
29:44 - The festival honouring Artemis, the procession, sacred port and protector of place.
31:52 - An intuitive shamanic approach where we're working with the magic of the moment.
33:07 - What's missing at the ancient site.
34:15 - A crucial key to Goedele's design practice (hint: anchor stone)
36:14 - The energies that need to come together in the garden.
37:20 - Home as your re-charging centre.
38:48 - The Mystery School.
39:59 - Needing to go into the dark. Tough moments my clients experienced.
42:03 - It's very important you bring back this goddess female energy back into your life. And Ephesus is the perfect place for it.
45:55 - The House of the Mother Mary and the tourist machine.
48:22 - Particular architectural configurations stimulating and activating particular women.
50:28 - Invitation to join our incredible retreat with a very special constellation of women architects and designers.
52:59 - For the women who are ready to be the ancient temple builders of the future.
54:16 - What is it all for?
58:17 - Ok...I'm letting everything go. I'm surrendering now. Wrapping up the end of an era. What's next for me?
59:36 - I hold space for what wants to birth through you and listen.
How you can work with Aisha
Apply for Aisha's majestic 4-Day VIP Group Retreat at the Ancient City of Ephesus in Türkiye ~ May 8-12, 2025! Get your application in asap as spots are limited >>>