
  • The Next Generation
    May 5 2023

    The amazing Final Season of Star Trek: Picard has concluded and, now, we begin our look at this amazing reunion of the crew of the Enterprise D.  Beverly Crusher is in trouble and, in reaching out to Jean-Luc Picard, she tells him to “trust no one,” including Starfleet.

    Star Trek: Picard’s final season brings together some iconic characters for an amazing last mission together, and we’re going to kick off our analysis of it with episode 1, titled “The Next Generation.”  Hey…that’s got a nice ring to it.

    Bill Smith & Jamie Rogers will break it down. It’s the start of a wild ride in Season 3 and we’re glad you’re here to take it with us on Discovering Trek: THE Star Trek Universe Companion, presented by FanSets!

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    37 min
  • Star Trek: Discovery CANCELED
    Mar 3 2023

    In this special breaking news edition of Discovering Trek, Bill Smith, Ron Wrobel, and Mike Bovia discuss the announcement by Paramount+ that Star Trek: Discovery will end after Season 5.

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    22 min
  • The Stars At Night
    Nov 4 2022

    This week on Star Trek Lower Decks' incredible Season 3 finale, the Cerritos goes up against Admiral Buenamigo's computer run starship in a test to see if the California Class of starships will be replaced by the new super AI Texas class. As with any fully automated device in Star Trek, things soon go haywire and mass destruction and loss of life ensues!  Will the Cerritos survive the onslaught of not one, but three Texas Class AI crazy starships?

    Also, Bold Boimler is on full display when he tries to mend fences with Shaxs after a somewhat improper impersonation of the Bajoran. And in a shocking development, we find out who is responsible for Rutherford's memory loss and cybernetic enhancements!  PLUS!! Be sure to stick around after the end credits for a surprise cliff hanger ending! The season finale The Stars At Night has it all!

    Dan, Kasey and Bill have a great time talking about every aspect of Episode 10! From the newest starship with a cool name to a Badmiral done the right way, we have a blast discussing what we think is the best season finale of Lower Decks so far!


    Interested in great talk about Star Trek: Lower Decks? Look no further than the Trek Geeks Podcast Network! Discovering Trek breaks down every episode with our own Lower Decks crew of Dan, Kasey and Bill. Plus, check out all of our other podcasts on the Trek Geeks Podcast Network by downloading our free Trek Geeks Mobile App! Head on over to trekgeeks.com/app for all the details!

    No One Talks Trek Like We Do.


    Music for Discovering Trek is provided by Five Year Mission. They’re writing one song for each episode of The Original Series! Plus, check out their podcast right here on the Trek Geeks Podcast Network!

    Find out more and download all 6 of their current albums at FiveYearMission.net

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    43 min
  • Trusted Sources
    Nov 4 2022

    This week on Star Trek Lower Decks, Captain Freeman gets her wish as "Project Swing By" is approved by Starfleet Command!  The Cerritos has been chosen for the first mission to return to, of all places, Omara - you know the drug addict planet from TNGs Symbiosis?  You would think the mission was a piece of cake, but this is Lower Decks, so nothing goes as planned  - especially when a reporter from the FNN comes on board to do a report on the Cerritos and its mission.  Not only does Freeman have to deal with a potentially damning interview from, of all people, Mariner, but she also has to deal with an old enemy of the Federation during a sneak attack!

    There is a pie eating contest, there is great artwork about life on Ornara and there are great messages about trust and friendship on this penultimate episode of season 3, Trusted Sources!

    Dan, Kasey and Bill have a great time talking about every aspect of Episode 9! From Starbase 80 to the planet Brekka, strap in and get ready for some great fun and discussion!


    Interested in great talk about Star Trek: Lower Decks? Look no further than the Trek Geeks Podcast Network! Discovering Trek breaks down every episode with our own Lower Decks crew of Dan, Kasey and Bill. Plus, check out all of our other podcasts on the Trek Geeks Podcast Network by downloading our free Trek Geeks Mobile App! Head on over to trekgeeks.com/app for all the details!

    No One Talks Trek Like We Do.


    Music for Discovering Trek is provided by Five Year Mission. They’re writing one song for each episode of The Original Series! Plus, check out their podcast right here on the Trek Geeks Podcast Network!

    Find out more and download all 6 of their current albums at FiveYearMission.net

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    36 min
  • Prodigy Junket
    Oct 24 2022

    Mike and Emilie are back with Kate Mulgrew, Brett Gray, and Ella Purnell from Star Trek Prodigy!

    The second half of season 1 is on the way and Mike and Emilie were at the press junket for the new season portion. Find out how the stars of Prodigy feel about the influence their characters have on the next generation of Trek fans.

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    13 min
  • Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus
    Oct 14 2022

    This week on Star Trek Lower Decks, its time for the biggest sequel in the history of Holodeck blockbusters as Boimler tries to outdo Mariners first adventure Crisis Point.  Captain Dagger (Boimler) and his crew of the USS Wayfarer have to stop the Romulans from changing history when they steal a device called the Chronogami! But after some devastating news, Boimler is more concerned with finding out the true meaning of life so he makes Tendi acting Captain while he and Mariner go on their own holodeck quest for answers.

    With some great callbacks to almost every Star Trek movie, as well as some awesome guest voices, plus a cliffhanger to bring the house down, Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus comes at us at warp speed with some great character development and amazing visuals!

    Dan, Kasey and Bill have a great time talking about a sequel that is better than the original (kinda like TWOK and TMP) and also some big moments like Tendi wanting to be a Captain for real and how back fat can actually show you where the secret of life can be found (and yeah, that is as gross as it sounds).  We have a fantastic time discussing everything that takes place in episode eight of Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 3 - "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"!  Get your popcorn, take your seat and get ready for some great fun and discussion!


    Interested in great talk about Star Trek: Lower Decks? Look no further than the Trek Geeks Podcast Network! Discovering Trek breaks down every episode with our own Lower Decks crew of Dan, Kasey and Bill. Plus, check out all of our other podcasts on the Trek Geeks Podcast Network by downloading our free Trek Geeks Mobile App! Head on over to trekgeeks.com/app for all the details!

    No One Talks Trek Like We Do.


    Music for Discovering Trek is provided by Five Year Mission. They’re writing one song for each episode of The Original Series! Plus, check out their podcast right here on the Trek Geeks Podcast Network!

    Find out more and download all 6 of their current albums at FiveYearMission.net

    Voir plus Voir moins
    38 min
  • A Mathematically Perfect Redemption
    Oct 14 2022

    This week on Star Trek Lower Decks, it's the unexpected return of the Exocomp Peanut Hamper! After abandoning the crew in the Season 1 finale, Peanut Hamper has been floating in the Pakled/Federation battle debris field.  She manages to escape a Drookmani salvage ship and finds herself on an isolated planet called Areolus (no really, that's what it's called). While adjusting to living with the bird like Areore, we see her start to change and look to redeem herself and the choices she made in the past....or is she?  Plus, at the end of a great episode, we get a hint of a new super menace that we could see again in the future!

    Dan, Kasey and Bill have a great time talking about an episode that really takes a chance, but works on so many ways. Although we don't all agree on how good the episode is, we still have a fantastic time discussing everything that takes place in episode seven of Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 3 - "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption"!  Grab your favorite beak mask and get ready to soar as we have some great fun and discussion!


    Interested in great talk about Star Trek: Lower Decks? Look no further than the Trek Geeks Podcast Network! Discovering Trek breaks down every episode with our own Lower Decks crew of Dan, Kasey and Bill. Plus, check out all of our other podcasts on the Trek Geeks Podcast Network by downloading our free Trek Geeks Mobile App! Head on over to trekgeeks.com/app for all the details!

    No One Talks Trek Like We Do.


    Music for Discovering Trek is provided by Five Year Mission. They’re writing one song for each episode of The Original Series! Plus, check out their podcast right here on the Trek Geeks Podcast Network!

    Find out more and download all 6 of their current albums at FiveYearMission.net

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    30 min
  • Hear All, Trust Nothing
    Sep 29 2022

    This week on Lower Decks, Captain Freeman is assigned to negotiate a trade agreement with the Karemma while docked at...wait for it...wait for it...DEEP SPACE 9!!!  The return to everyone's favorite "Cardassian Monstrosity" is anything but normal as Tendi has to deal with a fellow Orion who is hell bent on keeping that Orion Pirate reputation well preserved, Boimler is raking in the latinum at the dabo table and Freeman and Colonel Kira have to deal with Quark and his continued, questionable methods of turning a profit.

    Meanwhile back on the Cerritos, Jennifer wants Mariner to come to her friends 'salon night'.  Poetry, dancing and candle making are not high on her list of fun things to do, and she is finding it difficult to play nice with Jennifer's friends. What will happen when a crisis unfolds during the shindig?

    Dan, Kasey and Bill have a great time talking about the amazing return to DS9 in episode six of Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 3 - "Hear All, Trust Nothing"!  Grab a root beer, pull up a chair at the bar and get ready to spend some latinum as we have some great fun and discussion!


    Interested in great talk about Star Trek: Lower Decks? Look no further than the Trek Geeks Podcast Network! Discovering Trek breaks down every episode with our own Lower Decks crew of Dan, Kasey and Bill. Plus, check out all of our other podcasts on the Trek Geeks Podcast Network by downloading our free Trek Geeks Mobile App! Head on over to trekgeeks.com/app for all the details!

    No One Talks Trek Like We Do.


    Music for Discovering Trek is provided by Five Year Mission. They’re writing one song for each episode of The Original Series! Plus, check out their podcast right here on the Trek Geeks Podcast Network!

    Find out more and download all 6 of their current albums at FiveYearMission.net

    Voir plus Voir moins
    35 min