Marital abuse is a sensitive topic, and these 2 incredibly strong women, Lindsay and Mak of Bitch is a Bad Word Podcast, openly share with Rachel how it is a much bigger problem than we know.
This podcast is for everyone - from those living within abusive marriages who want to get out, to those who know or may meet someone in that situation and want to help. Learn what to do to get away from an abusive partner, how to handle parenting with an abusive parent, how to identify signs of abuse in a marriage, what is trauma bonding, how to avoid attracting another abusive partner after healing, how to help those in abusive marriages, and how healing from divorce after an abusive marriage is vastly different.
This is an information-packed show and you will definitely learn a great deal about abusive marriages and survival.
Lindsay and Mak are the hosts of Bitch is a Bad Word Podcast. For more information and to connect with them please visit:
IG: @bitchisabadwordpod
TikTok: @bitchisabadword
YouTube: @bitchisabadwordP
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