
  • S1:E9 Refresh + Bad Habits + 2023 Dope Shit
    Dec 31 2022

    Do Dope Shit Podcast Resources

    Please follow and support on the official instagram page https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/ (we do not have another platform)

    Let us know what topics you want to explore or someone you want to see mentioned by DM'ing us @https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/

    You can also visit me at mariahsimone.com/DoDopeShitPodcast

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    21 min
  • S1: E8: Gratitude + Making Shit Up + 7K Paycheck
    Dec 4 2022

    Happy December! Things...was thanging this November that I almost missed not posting. This episode we dig into how a 7k paycheck changed my momentum and how wayward our minds can be when we lack the information to inform our decisions. And of course, I shed some light on the importance of be grateful and what that looks like even during the darkest of times. You don't want to miss this! 

    Do Dope Shit Podcast Links

    • For links to resources mentioned: Visit www.mariahsimone.com
    • Please follow and support on the official instagram page https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/ (we do not have another platform)
    • Let us know what topics you want to explore or someone you want to see mentioned by DM'ing us @https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/
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    32 min
  • S1: E7: Losing 20 lbs, Masks and Costumes, Halloween-ing
    Oct 31 2022

    Happy Spooky Season Boos! On this Season 1 Episode 7 of the Do Dope Shit Podcast, I get into the Halloween glorious chaos of it all while giving a gentle reminder of the masks and costumes that we and the people around us may wear. I'll also spill about why October should be the start of your "New Year" and why. You don't want to miss this one. Happy Halloween Spooky Bae!!! 

    Dope Shit Podcast Links

    Please follow and support on the official instagram page https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/ (we do not have another platform)

    Let us know what topics you want to explore or someone you want to see mentioned by DM'ing us @https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/

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    20 min
  • S1:E6: Hyphenate Beings, Inconsistency vs. Grace, Falling Off in Fall
    Sep 30 2022

    September 2022! Where are out edges because this month came and snatched us with a quickness. Between hurricanes, mercury retrograde, and the almost revival of the crate challenge...this month came for our necks.  On this Season 1 Episode 6 of the Do Dope Shit Podcast, I address the unhelpful attempts we mae to explain our inconsistency bad habits away with grace. Also, how this affects us as we try to complete the dope shit or the many dope things we want to do as hyphenate beings. You want to lean and really listen to this one cuz I was in my bag! Love yall lots. Lets do more dope shit!

    Dope Shit Podcast Links

    Please follow and support on the official instagram page https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/ (we do not have another platform)

    Let us know what topics you want to explore or someone you want to see mentioned by DM'ing us @https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/

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    38 min
  • S1:E5: Build the Life You Want, Self-Sabotage, and Uber/Lyft Ride Praises
    Aug 31 2022

    It's officially the Fall of 2022! And with that change in season comes the change in content. On this Season 1 Episode 5 of the Do Dope Shit Podcast, I'm getting into the crux of this podcast...building the life we want/love while being mindful of the ways we self-sabotage ourselves....sounds familiar right?? This is a continuation from the previous episode because transforming your life is a process with its own challenges. Listen to how all of this spun from a simple conversation from my local service transportation ride with Jheda. (Much love to you, sis! Rooting for you too!) 

    Do Dope Shit Podcast Links

    Please follow and support on the official instagram page https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/ (we do not have another platform)

    Let us know what topics you want to explore or someone you want to see mentioned by DM'ing us @https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/

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    28 min
  • S1: E4: Getting Rid of Toxicity, Being Carless, and Serial Entrepreneurship Gamble
    Aug 1 2022

    Hello! Happy July 2022! It's hot! I hope everyone is doing well. On this Season 1 Episode 4 of the Do Dope Shit Podcast, I'm sharing with you the details of my life over this past month. We are looking into getting rid of toxicity rather that's your environment, people, things, ideas, etc. and how for me that also included not having access to a car anymore. And also how am I doing this was being a serial entrepreneur/co-leader. We are diving into all of this and while getting three helpful steps you can take today to see if there is anything toxic in your life thats holding you back while also slowly working through releasing ourselves from those things. Join me and lets let the baggage shit go so that we can Do More Dope Shit!

    "You Wanna Fly...you got to get rid of the shit that weighs you down." - Toni Morrison

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    32 min
  • S1:E3 - Switching Goals & Careers, Atelophobia, Inflation out the Ass
    Jun 30 2022

    Welcome back! I'm in a season of transition. A season of moving on. Out with the old and in with the new. And with that comes the switching of careers, changing goals, and exploration of myself and who I am. We cover some of these topics along with the feeling that weighs me down a lot... Atelophobia or the "Fear of Not Being Enough". It is real and it can be self-destructive. I'm going to give you tools to combat this mindset when it happens so that it won't stop you from doing the dope shit you want to do. So join me and lets get into it. 

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    31 min
  • S1:E2 - Therapy + Trauma + Black Girl Surfing
    May 29 2022

    Hello there darrrlllinnnggggs! Here is Episode 2 of the Do Dope Shit Podcast. On this episode I give some insight into my journey with therapy and what does that mean (because it comes in many forms) the trauma and anxiety that made this a pivotal moment in my life to pursue trauma including the constant wearing of the black superwoman cape and paralysis and how my new found activity...surfing (of all things) came into play. 

    Please follow and support on the official instagram page https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/ (we do not have another platform at this time.) All tips and support info can be found here as well. 

    Let us know what topics you want to explore or someone you want to see mentioned by DM'ing us @https://www.instagram.com/dodopeshitofficial/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min