Avez-vous déjà ressenti que Dieu vous parle directement? Comment pouvez-vous discerner Sa voix parmi tant de distractions? Dans cette vidéo, nous explorons les différentes manières dont Dieu communique avec nous aujourd'hui, que ce soit par Sa Parole, la prière, ou des expériences personnelles. Découvrez comment renforcer votre relation avec Dieu et reconnaître quand Il vous adresse un message clair et personnel.
Does God speak to you directly? In this powerful sermon, Evangelist Dolfe shares his insights on hearing the voice of God and how to discern His will for your life. Learn how to quiet your mind and listen to the still small voice that guides you towards a deeper relationship with the Almighty. Discover the ways in which God communicates with us and how to recognize His voice in the midst of life's chaos. This thought-provoking message will inspire you to develop a more intimate connection with God and trust in His guidance. Watch until the end to be blessed and encouraged to deepen your faith!