• 195 | Different Kinds of Fears After Abortion & How to Heal From Them
    Mar 10 2025

    Do you feel like your past abortion has made you more afraid? Do you find yourself having a lot more anxiety when you think about certain scenarios? Does this affect your daily life?

    Fear is a really big deal, and it’s hard to live with. You are not alone in feeling this way. With 1 in 4 women having had at least one abortion by the age of 45, and a large percentage of these women experiencing negative mental health effects afterward, fear is extremely common after an abortion.

    Just because it’s common, though, doesn’t mean that it’s ok, and it doesn’t mean that we have to live like this forever. Today, I’m going to go over 3 common fears that post-abortive women face and how to heal from them. I pray that this episode blesses you and brings you peace!

    **Sign up for our FREE Abortion Recovery Breakthrough Workshop happening on March 26th! Register now at https://brittanypoppe.com/workshop

    Grab our FREE Permission to Grieve Devotional >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/freebie

    Join our online community >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenhealingfromabortion

    Sign-up for our weekly newsletter >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/newsletter

    Visit our Website: brittanypoppe.com

    Follow us on IG >>> @brittanypoppe

    Send us an email >>> hello@brittanypoppe.com


    EveryLife Diapers & Wipes: Use code 10BRITTANY to save 10% on your first order! >>> https://everylife.com/discount/10BRITTANY

    SevenWeeks Coffee: Save 10% on your first order with code DGFA10 >>> https://snwbl.io/seven-weeks-coffee/DGFA10

    Faith Farms: Grab some nontoxic goat milk hand soap, body bars, laundry soup, and everything in between! https://faithfarmsgms.com/brittanypoppe

    Samaritan Ministries: Sick of paying so much for health insurance? Join a Christian Health Care Share! Write "Brittany Poppe" as your referral when you join to support our podcast! https://samaritanministries.org/

    Want to start your own podcast or online business? Learn from my friend and podcasting coach, Stefanie Gass!

    Clarify Your Calling

    Podcast Pro University

    Podcast to Profit Mastermind

    Other Resources:

    Forgiven and Set Free ND

    We Are Everywhere


    Focus on the Family Counseling Services

    Resources for Choosing Life:

    Care Net

    Let Them Live

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • 194 | Practical Solutions for Overcoming Stress and Anxiety While on a Healing Journey | Special Guest: Shan Wright from Holistic Moms
    Mar 3 2025

    We have a guest on the podcast today and I am so excited for you to hear what she has to share!

    My friend, Shan Wright, is on the podcast today to talk to us about stress and anxiety and how to go on a holistic journey to find peace and healing amidst the overwhelm. I truly believe that you are going to be blessed by what she has to share today!

    Connect with Shan:

    Holistic Moms Podcast



    **Sign up for our FREE Abortion Recovery Breakthrough Workshop happening on March 26th! Register now at https://brittanypoppe.com/workshop

    Grab our FREE Permission to Grieve Devotional >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/freebie

    Join our online community >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenhealingfromabortion

    Sign-up for our weekly newsletter >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/newsletter

    Visit our Website: brittanypoppe.com

    Follow us on IG >>> @brittanypoppe

    Send us an email >>> hello@brittanypoppe.com


    EveryLife Diapers & Wipes: Use code 10BRITTANY to save 10% on your first order! >>> https://everylife.com/discount/10BRITTANY

    SevenWeeks Coffee: Save 10% on your first order with code DGFA10 >>> https://snwbl.io/seven-weeks-coffee/DGFA10

    Faith Farms: Grab some nontoxic goat milk hand soap, body bars, laundry soup, and everything in between! https://faithfarmsgms.com/brittanypoppe

    Samaritan Ministries: Sick of paying so much for health insurance? Join a Christian Health Care Share! Write "Brittany Poppe" as your referral when you join to support our podcast! https://samaritanministries.org/

    Want to start your own podcast or online business? Learn from my friend and podcasting coach, Stefanie Gass!

    Clarify Your Calling

    Podcast Pro University

    Podcast to Profit Mastermind

    Other Resources:

    Forgiven and Set Free ND

    We Are Everywhere


    Focus on the Family Counseling Services

    Resources for Choosing Life:

    Care Net

    Let Them Live

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min
  • 193 | If God Knew I Would Choose Abortion, Was It a Part of His Plan for Me? What Scripture Says About God's Plans for Us Even as Post-Abortive Women
    Feb 24 2025

    Have you heard someone say “God planned for me to have an abortion so I could help others in the future?” I think this is a belief that some of us want to have, but there are some concerns associated with this type of thinking. It’s hard though, because we know that God knows everything - so if He knew we were going to do this, did that make it a part of His plan?

    We’re going to look at what scripture says to help us have a full understanding of how our abortion and other circumstances in our lives affect God’s plans for us. I pray this blesses you!

    **Sign up for our FREE Abortion Recovery Breakthrough Workshop happening on March 26th! Register now at https://brittanypoppe.com/workshop

    Grab our FREE Permission to Grieve Devotional >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/freebie

    Join our online community >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenhealingfromabortion

    Sign-up for our weekly newsletter >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/newsletter

    Visit our Website: brittanypoppe.com

    Follow us on IG >>> @brittanypoppe

    Send us an email >>> hello@brittanypoppe.com


    EveryLife Diapers & Wipes: Use code 10BRITTANY to save 10% on your first order! >>> https://everylife.com/discount/10BRITTANY

    SevenWeeks Coffee: Save 10% on your first order with code DGFA10 >>> https://snwbl.io/seven-weeks-coffee/DGFA10

    Faith Farms: Grab some nontoxic goat milk hand soap, body bars, laundry soup, and everything in between! https://faithfarmsgms.com/brittanypoppe

    Samaritan Ministries: Sick of paying so much for health insurance? Join a Christian Health Care Share! Write "Brittany Poppe" as your referral when you join to support our podcast! https://samaritanministries.org/

    Want to start your own podcast or online business? Learn from my friend and podcasting coach, Stefanie Gass!

    Clarify Your Calling

    Podcast Pro University

    Podcast to Profit Mastermind

    Other Resources:

    Forgiven and Set Free ND

    We Are Everywhere


    Focus on the Family Counseling Services

    Resources for Choosing Life:

    Care Net

    Let Them Live

    Voir plus Voir moins
    14 min
  • 192 | How to Gain the Courage to Share Your Abortion Testimony
    Feb 17 2025

    Have you been considering sharing your abortion testimony? Has God placed it on your heart to go and tell? Have you had a desire to help out in the pro-life movement, but feel alone and terrified at the thought of having to share all of the messy parts of your story?

    More than once this week, I have heard Revelation 12:11 and I believe that God has intentionally placed that scripture on my heart at this specific time for a reason. Perhaps it’s this episode?

    Regardless of your answers to the questions I just asked, I pray you’ll listen to this episode with an open heart to hear how God can use your story for His good, no matter what capacity in which you share it.

    Ready to start your healing? Schedule a 1:1 Abortion Recovery Breakthrough Call! brittanypoppe.com/coaching

    Grab our FREE Permission to Grieve Devotional >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/freebie

    Join our online community >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenhealingfromabortion

    Sign-up for our weekly newsletter >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/newsletter

    Visit our Website: brittanypoppe.com

    Follow us on IG >>> @brittanypoppe

    Send us an email >>> hello@brittanypoppe.com


    EveryLife Diapers & Wipes: Use code 10BRITTANY to save 10% on your first order! >>> https://everylife.com/discount/10BRITTANY

    SevenWeeks Coffee: Save 10% on your first order with code DGFA10 >>> https://snwbl.io/seven-weeks-coffee/DGFA10

    Faith Farms: Grab some nontoxic goat milk hand soap, body bars, laundry soup, and everything in between! https://faithfarmsgms.com/brittanypoppe

    Samaritan Ministries: Sick of paying so much for health insurance? Join a Christian Health Care Share! Write "Brittany Poppe" as your referral when you join to support our podcast! https://samaritanministries.org/

    Want to start your own podcast or online business? Learn from my friend and podcasting coach, Stefanie Gass!

    Clarify Your Calling

    Podcast Pro University

    Podcast to Profit Mastermind

    Episode Resources:

    Spiritual Gifts Test

    Other Resources:

    Forgiven and Set Free ND

    We Are Everywhere


    Focus on the Family Counseling Services

    Resources for Choosing Life:

    Care Net

    Let Them Live

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min
  • 191 | How to Let Go of What Should Have Been So You Can Have Peace After Abortion
    Feb 10 2025

    Life is a series of choices, isn’t it? We could dive down a deep rabbit hole thinking about all of these past choices we have made and what would have happened if we had done something different. From less serious things to our abortion decision, there is a huge spectrum of circumstances that could be different if we had taken a different path, and it’s totally natural to think about what life would have looked like if we had done something different.

    However, sometimes staying in that place can keep us stuck. I pray that this episode helps you remember that it's ok to feel the feels, but it's also ok to let go of our pain and accept God's peace.

    Ready to start your healing? Schedule a 1:1 Abortion Recovery Breakthrough Call! brittanypoppe.com/coaching

    Grab our FREE Permission to Grieve Devotional >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/freebie

    Join our online community >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenhealingfromabortion

    Sign-up for our weekly newsletter >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/newsletter

    Visit our Website: brittanypoppe.com

    Follow us on IG >>> @brittanypoppe

    Send us an email >>> hello@brittanypoppe.com


    EveryLife Diapers & Wipes: Use code 10BRITTANY to save 10% on your first order! >>> https://everylife.com/discount/10BRITTANY

    SevenWeeks Coffee: Save 10% on your first order with code DGFA10 >>> https://snwbl.io/seven-weeks-coffee/DGFA10

    Faith Farms: Grab some nontoxic goat milk hand soap, body bars, laundry soup, and everything in between! https://faithfarmsgms.com/brittanypoppe

    Samaritan Ministries: Sick of paying so much for health insurance? Join a Christian Health Care Share! Write "Brittany Poppe" as your referral when you join to support our podcast! https://samaritanministries.org/

    Want to start your own podcast or online business? Learn from my friend and podcasting coach, Stefanie Gass!

    Clarify Your Calling

    Podcast Pro University

    Podcast to Profit Mastermind

    Episode Resources:

    Episode 177

    Other Resources:

    Forgiven and Set Free ND

    We Are Everywhere


    Focus on the Family Counseling Services

    Resources for Choosing Life:

    Care Net

    Let Them Live

    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min
  • 190 | IT’S OUR 2ND BIRTHDAY! Reflecting On What I’ve Learned After 2 Years of Podcasting
    Feb 3 2025

    How has it been two years since we started the show?! Sometimes it feels like just yesterday, then other times it feels like I’ve just always been doing this. I am so grateful for the time we’ve had together over the last two years and cannot wait to see what the future holds for us!

    I thought it would be fun to do a little reflecting on the last two years - what the journey has looked like and maybe even some lessons I’ve learned. I hope you’ll listen in and enjoy this with me!

    P.S. Between NOW and February 28th, you can get entered to WIN a $100 Amazon Gift Card! Make sure you leave a review for the show wherever you are listening, and send a screenshot to hello@brittanypoppe.com - you can also share the podcast in your stories or with a friend! Screenshot all sharing and send it to me to be entered. You can earn multiple entries - so go ahead and share away!

    Ready to start your healing? Schedule a 1:1 Abortion Recovery Breakthrough Call! brittanypoppe.com/coaching

    Grab our FREE Permission to Grieve Devotional >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/freebie

    Join our online community >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenhealingfromabortion

    Sign-up for our weekly newsletter >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/newsletter

    Visit our Website: brittanypoppe.com

    Follow us on IG >>> @brittanypoppe

    Send us an email >>> hello@brittanypoppe.com


    EveryLife Diapers & Wipes: Use code 10BRITTANY to save 10% on your first order! >>> https://everylife.com/discount/10BRITTANY

    SevenWeeks Coffee: Save 10% on your first order with code DGFA10 >>> https://snwbl.io/seven-weeks-coffee/DGFA10

    Faith Farms: Grab some nontoxic goat milk hand soap, body bars, laundry soup, and everything in between! https://faithfarmsgms.com/brittanypoppe

    Samaritan Ministries: Sick of paying so much for health insurance? Join a Christian Health Care Share! Write "Brittany Poppe" as your referral when you join to support our podcast! https://samaritanministries.org/

    Want to start your own podcast or online business? Learn from my friend and podcasting coach, Stefanie Gass!

    Clarify Your Calling

    Podcast Pro University

    Podcast to Profit Mastermind

    Other Resources:

    Forgiven and Set Free ND

    We Are Everywhere


    Focus on the Family Counseling Services

    Resources for Choosing Life:

    Care Net

    Let Them Live

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min
  • 189 | Washington D.C. March for Life 2025 Recap!
    Jan 27 2025
    Who's ready for a recap?! I attended my very first March for Life this past weekend and it was an AMAZING experience. I already want to go back! I hope you enjoy hearing the recap and I pray it inspires you to get more involved in the movement! Ready to start your healing? Schedule a 1:1 Abortion Recovery Breakthrough Call! brittanypoppe.com/coaching Grab our FREE Permission to Grieve Devotional >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/freebie Join our online community >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenhealingfromabortion Sign-up for our weekly newsletter >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/newsletter Visit our Website: brittanypoppe.com Follow us on IG >>> @brittanypoppe Send us an email >>> hello@brittanypoppe.com Sponsors/Partnerships: EveryLife Diapers & Wipes: Use code 10BRITTANY to save 10% on your first order! >>> https://everylife.com/discount/10BRITTANY SevenWeeks Coffee: Save 10% on your first order with code DGFA10 >>> https://snwbl.io/seven-weeks-coffee/DGFA10 Faith Farms: Grab some nontoxic goat milk hand soap, body bars, laundry soup, and everything in between! https://faithfarmsgms.com/brittanypoppe Samaritan Ministries: Sick of paying so much for health insurance? Join a Christian Health Care Share! Write "Brittany Poppe" as your referral when you join to support our podcast! https://samaritanministries.org/ Want to start your own podcast or online business? Learn from my friend and podcasting coach, Stefanie Gass! Clarify Your Calling Podcast Pro University Podcast to Profit Mastermind Episode Resources: https://www.silentnomoreawareness.org/ Landon Schott Joshua Broome Pro-Life Spiderman Dr. George Grant Isabel Brown Allie Beth Stuckey Andrew Sedra Nancy Pearcey Eric Metaxas Seth Gruber Alex Clark Interviewing Joshua Broome Victoria Robinson on Relatable Other Resources: Forgiven and Set Free ND We Are Everywhere H3Helpline Focus on the Family Counseling Services Resources for Choosing Life: Care Net Let Them Live
    Voir plus Voir moins
    47 min
  • 188 | How to Respond When Someone is Unapologetic About Their Involvement in Your Past Abortion
    Jan 20 2025

    Each of us has different circumstances surrounding our abortions. Some of us were choosing to do this to hide a lifestyle choice, others of us were afraid we couldn’t financially afford our children, others of us may have been coerced by the father or one of our parents. Whatever the reason you chose abortion, my guess is that there were others involved somehow. Others that you went to to seek guidance and advice on what to do.

    It's highly possible that some of those people are unapologetic for their involvement in your experience. If that's so, it must be really difficult for you to not only live with, but to try to forgive. How do we forgive when people aren't even the least bit sorry?

    I pray today's episode helps you so that you can get one step closer to the peace that God has for you!

    Ready to start your healing? Schedule a 1:1 Abortion Recovery Breakthrough Call! brittanypoppe.com/coaching

    Grab our FREE Permission to Grieve Devotional >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/freebie

    Join our online community >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomenhealingfromabortion

    Sign-up for our weekly newsletter >>> https://brittanypoppe.com/newsletter

    Visit our Website: brittanypoppe.com

    Follow us on IG >>> @brittanypoppe

    Send us an email >>> hello@brittanypoppe.com


    EveryLife Diapers & Wipes: Use code 10BRITTANY to save 10% on your first order! >>> https://everylife.com/discount/10BRITTANY

    SevenWeeks Coffee: Save 10% on your first order with code DGFA10 >>> https://snwbl.io/seven-weeks-coffee/DGFA10

    Faith Farms: Grab some nontoxic goat milk hand soap, body bars, laundry soup, and everything in between! https://faithfarmsgms.com/brittanypoppe

    Samaritan Ministries: Sick of paying so much for health insurance? Join a Christian Health Care Share! Write "Brittany Poppe" as your referral when you join to support our podcast! https://samaritanministries.org/

    Want to start your own podcast or online business? Learn from my friend and podcasting coach, Stefanie Gass!

    Clarify Your Calling

    Podcast Pro University

    Podcast to Profit Mastermind

    Episode Resources:

    Episode 65

    Other Resources:

    Forgiven and Set Free ND

    We Are Everywhere


    Focus on the Family Counseling Services

    Resources for Choosing Life:

    Care Net

    Let Them Live

    Voir plus Voir moins
    16 min