Hello, and a very warm welcome to this podcast from Management Futures.
I'm Hugh Reynolds, head of digital learning - and in this series, I'm holding some informal short-form conversations with my colleagues, associates and friends. They're all expert practitioners in fields related to - but not restricted to - coaching, culture and inclusive leadership development - all things that enable individuals, teams and organisations to thrive.
In this episode, we're going to get to know one of our outstanding people: Dorota Porazka (https://www.managementfutures.co.uk/team/dorota-porazka ).
But before we do - let me just mention that if you visit us at www.managementfutures.co.uk you can find lots more insightful content in our Resources section - INCLUDING a richly interactive video based around the discussion I'm about to have.(Here's the direct link to that: https://www.managementfutures.co.uk/post/interactive-video-a-chat-with-dorota-porazka )
Thanks for listening in!