Welcome back to another impactful season of the "Sometimes Heroes Need Help" Podcast. We are starting this year off with an amazing , impactful, dedicated 33 year law enforcement veteran, Doug Shoemaker. Doug has held many high ranking assignments making his way from patrol officer to chief in several jurisdictions. Doug and is currently working in the private sector, bringing his years of experience to industries that serve the law enforcement profession. I had a really great conversation with Doug about leadership, culture, and the role each of us plays in bringing about the change we desire. Sit back and give it a listen and come away a better version of you for doing so!
More About Doug:
I believe passionately in policing. Those who answer the call to serve are the ones who we look to not just to be the bedrock of policing now, but the ones who will ultimately create a better future for us and for our communities.
I began my career in Jefferson City, Missouri, and spent nearly 27 years serving residents of the state capitol. I spent years developing and prioritizing community partnerships, which ultimately became a pivotal piece of managing the "Journey for Justice," a march held in the wake of the Ferguson protests in 2014. Working closely with the local NAACP chapter, the department and the community began to come together, rather than remain divided to begin to build more meaningful solutions for all.
I served as the Chief of Police in Grand Junction, Colorado for over four and one half years and then served the people of Denton Texas as their chief of police. The women and men I’ve had the good fortune to work with are passionate about policing, much like those in police agencies across the world. I've most recently retired fully from policing, and while I will miss it, I'm proud of what I accomplished during my time on the job.
I have had some incredible opportunities working with the International Association of Chiefs of Police, beginning back in 2007 and through today. I've served on several committees and sections, and in 2018 was elected to serve a two-year term as the Vice Chair of the Public Information Officers Section. I was honored to be elected as the IACP’s 5th Vice President in September of 2021 and during my work as a Vice President I had the opportunity to lead several national and international efforts on culture within policing agencies.
Outside of IACP, I’m also a member of the Texas Police Chiefs Association (TPCA), NAWLEE, IAWP, and NOBLE.
I am very proud to be a founding board member of The Curve, an effort founded and led by renowned author and speaker Simon Sinek. Our work at The Curve aims to change the way we address culture within policing organizations - particularly at the leadership level.
I begin my new journey as a Public Safety Executive with Peregrine in August of 2024, and I can't express how excited I am by the opportunity to be a part of a company that is forward thinking, genuinely values it members and clients, and looks to the future as an incredible opportunity to work with public safety agencies to provide solutions to challenges they face within their communities.
- I look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals who want better public safety
Thank you for taking the time to give this podcast a listen. If you would like more information on other Law enforcement Life Coach initiatives, our "Sometimes Heroes Need Help" wellness seminar or our One-On-One life coaching please visit :
And if you would like to watch the interview you can view it in it's entirety on the Law Enforcement Life Coach YouTube Channel :