Does Disclosure depend on the Divine Feminine?
According to Dr. Irena Scott, yes!
The Divine Feminine does not mean men vs women. The term defines living through the conscious awareness of a nurturing, intuitive, inclusive, diplomatic, gentle yet strong mindset.
Please join me for a fascinating discussion about saving ourselves (are we in the end of times?) and what needs to happen so ETs can make themselves known to Earthlings safely.
In her newest book, Aliens & The Apocalypse: The Meaning of Alien Messages, Dr. Irena Scott investigates the Feminine with respect to ET Contact.
She draws attention to Feminine Knowledge, suppressed for millennia, and reminds us that women founded our first art, language and civilization. She wants the vital truth about our origins to be known because we could now be in the End of Times.
Dr. Irena Scott is beloved and admired, known for her intelligence and accomplishments, her kind demeanor, and her love for animals, offering us a glimpse into nature through her wildlife cam on her property.
Dr. Scott received her Ph.D. from the U of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, did post-doctoral research at Cornell University, and taught at St. Bonaventure University, Ohio State College of Medicine, and U of Nevada.
Dr. Scott is a highly educated and respected researcher, professor, Experiencer, astronomer, and worked in the DIA’s top secret photographic interpretation office. She has authored several books including
Inside the Lightening Ball: Scientific Study of Lifelong UFO Experiencers
UFOs Today: 70 years of Lies, Misinformation and Gov’t Coverups
Co-authored, Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Pascagoula Alien Abduction
Dr. Scott was a correspondent for Popular Mechanics magazine. Her writings include peer-reviewed scientific journals, magazines, and newspapers; she speaks at conferences and gives interviews around the world.
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Twitter: @tstart194
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Skype ID: IrenaMcScott