Dr. Sarah Jane Murray (Ph.D., Princeton) is an award-winning Professor of Great Texts & Creative Writing at Baylor University and EMMY®-nominated filmmaker with work distributed by PBS, Netflix, Amazon, and the New York Times. Supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities and American Philosophical Society, her research explores the origins of the Western thought and the vital role of storytelling in cultural transmission. From clay tablets and papyrus to the invention of manuscripts, printing, digital film, and 21st century emerging technologies, she believes great storytelling experiences survive because of the ‘3Ms’ — they’re meaningful, memorable, and motivate us to grow. Dr. Murray is the translator with Dr. Matthieu Boyd of the medieval French Moralized Ovid (D.S. Brewer, 2023), a three-volume work described by the Times Literary Supplement as ‘a masterclass in what modern scholarly translation should be.’ Her current work seeks to democratize access to meaningful learning, cultivate critical thinking, and pioneer new educational pathways in interactive storytelling, emerging tech (like XR), and transformational play. (Bio from the Greats Story Lab site)
Links from the show:
Tedx talk, "Hardwired for Story": https://youtu.be/BrtTyEmDLKQ?si=EnArXxK6Vh-yMEZY
Tedx talk, "Write and Wrong": https://youtu.be/l_iQ-NSwgMM?si=1goNyNwNCV_hNTAJ
The Greats Story Lab: https://www.thegreats.org/
Dr. Murray's IMDB: https://m.imdb.com/name/nm6142881/
An overview of the Medieval French Ovide moralisé: https://www.the-tls.co.uk/literature/poetry-literature/the-medieval-french-ovide-moralise-k-sarah-jane-murphy-matthieu-boyd-book-review-sebastian-dows-miller
Dr. Jared Oliphint is the founder of Selling Plato (www.sellingplato.com), received his PhD in philosophy, and teaches philosophy at the college level. His published work has focused on metaphysics, philosophy of language, conceptual engineering, social ontology, and metaethics.
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Keywords: storytelling, academia, philosophy, medieval studies, mentorship, film, creativity, education, personal growth, cultural narratives, storytelling, philosophy, endurance, translation, academia, Ovid, film, Great Story Lab, meaningful stories, technology