
  • Disnify Your Way to Magical Success - EP 021
    Jan 24 2020

    Managed care insurance and doc-in-the-box DSOs are rapidly turning our dental profession into a commodity business. Low fee DSOs and the infestation of network reduced-fee insurance plans are making it tougher for us (private practice GP dentists) to earn a fair profit. Tougher but not impossible.

    How can a solo practitioner GP dentist grow and prosper today? Build relationships and referrals by creating an experience your patients will never forget. Deliver service they’ll rave about to their friends and co-workers. Nobody on the planet does service and experience better than Disney.

    Vance Morris is a Walt Disney World Resort Management Alumni, having spent 10 years as a leader in the Resorts. It was at the Contemporary that Vance got his crowning achievement, Designing, Opening and Operating Chef Mickey’s, Disney’s flagship Character Dining Experience.

    After leaving Disney he utilized his skills to rescue or improve many of America’s companies and government agencies. His clients included Legal Seafood, Tyson, NASA, Rain Forest Café, Compass Group, The Executive Office of the President of the United States, The Smithsonian and the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

    He runs the only Disney Service & Direct Response Marketing business on the planet. Here he coaches companies to create Disney Style Service Systems and then monetizes them through direct response marketing. He is also the GKIC Reigning Marketer of the Year.

    During this podcast interview Vance reveals exactly how you can incorporate Disney-style “magic” to bring your service and patient experience to the next level and beyond. Don’t miss this interview!

    Links in this Episode:


    Forget about just trying to “survive…” If you want to thrive in the face of insurance PPO bullying, attract more new patients, hire and keep the best team members then Gems Insiders’ Circle is for you. If you want to work less while making (much) more money, enjoy all the benefits of Gems family membership with NO LONG-TERM commitment (Platinum membership is month-to-month).


    Get your FREE copy of my Amazon best-seller book, “Transform Your Dental Practice from CoalMine to GoldMine” (currently $16.97 on Amazon, but yours free as a Gems Podcast listener).

    FREE BONUS that could add $50,000 per year to your income.  FREE 30-minute LIVE one-on-one TEAM TRAINING on my Adult Fluoride Verbal Skills. Learn to achieve 80% acceptance PAID OUT OF POCKET with just SEVEN SIMPLE SENTENCES!


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    51 min
  • Your New Patients Most Critical 30 Seconds - EP 020
    Nov 5 2019

    If there was a single EASY GEM you could deploy which requires only 30 seconds of your time, costs little or nothing, and GUARANTEES a measurable reduction in new patient no-shows and an increase in case acceptance... wouldn't you want to do this for every new patient? How can you ensure that every new patient entering your practice enjoys a case of the "warm fuzzies?!"

    If building your practice and your income is a priority (as well it should be) then understanding the MATH behind each "Gem" you deploy is an important piece of the puzzle. In this Gems Podcast, I'm going to reveal a 30-second verbal skill to reduce your new patient 1st visit failed appointments and increase acceptance of recommended care.

    Links in this Episode:


    This App allows you to use your cell phone to call your new patients' cell and go directly to voicemail. Very handy when you want to leave them a warm fuzzy "New Patient Welcome" message without actually speaking with them.


    Forget about just trying to “survive…” If you want to thrive in the face of insurance PPO bullying, attract more new patients, hire and keep the best team members then Gems Insiders’ Circle is for you. If you want to work less while making (much) more money, enjoy all the benefits of Gems family membership with NO LONG-TERM commitment (Platinum membership is month-to-month).


    Get your FREE copy of my book, “Transform Your Dental Practice from CoalMine to GoldMine” (currently $16.97 on Amazon, but yours free as a Gems Podcast listener).

    PLUS, your FREE book order includes a FREE BONUS that could add $50,000 per year to your income.  FREE 30-minute LIVE one-on-one TEAM TRAINING on my Adult Fluoride Verbal Skills. Learn to achieve 80% acceptance PAID OUT OF POCKET with just SEVEN SIMPLE SENTENCES!

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    6 min
  • Secret Source of Employees - EP 019
    Oct 26 2019

    This is a story about a Nun. Her name was Sister Denesita.

    What if you could unearth a seldom-tapped deep (nearly endless) source of potential new team members... a source filled with people EAGER to WORK... willing and ABLE to learn just about anything you require of them.  And just what if these folks were HAPPY to work for wages the likes of which you've not seen in dentistry since light cured composites were invented?

    Well, there IS such a source and very likely nearby your practice. Once I discovered this unpolished "Gem" I continued to draw time and again from this abundant well. I found them to be excited to work with us, passionate about and adept at learning. These were some of the best and brightest team members with whom I had the pleasure of working in my practices. Not only will you enjoy having these folks with you but your existing team members are guaranteed to WELCOME them with OPEN ARMS!


    Gems Family members… for complete details on the “How to Double Hygiene Recall” strategy, go to the members’ website, www.InsidersCircle.com then click on the SITE Map top left, then GoldMine UnderGround Team Training Toolkit, 009.


    Forget about just trying to “survive…” If you want to thrive in the face of insurance PPO bullying, attract more new patients, hire and keep the best team members then Gems Insiders’ Circle is for you. If you want to work less while making (much) more money, enjoy all the benefits of Gems family membership with NO LONG-TERM commitment (Platinum membership is month-to-month). 


    Get your FREE copy of my book, "Transform Your Dental Practice from CoalMine to GoldMine" (currently $16.97 on Amazon, but yours free as a Gems Podcast listener).

    PLUS your FREE book order includes a FREE BONUS that could add $50,000 per year to your income.  FREE 30-minute LIVE one-on-one TEAM TRAINING on my Adult Fluoride Verbal Skills. Learn to achieve 80% acceptance PAID OUT OF POCKET with just SEVEN SIMPLE SENTENCES!

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    8 min
  • Is 1 Million Enough To Retire - EP 018
    Oct 16 2019

    For some people, it’s a pie in the sky number they wish they could achieve… but likely can only dream of. But for many dentists, a 1-million-dollar retirement nest egg would leave you WOEFULLY SHORT of being able to enjoy a comfortable retirement.

    I'll never forget what Hugh told me nearly two decades ago. Hugh Doherty is one of the very few dentists who also hold the title CFP... Certified Financial Planner. Hugh told me that 95% of dentists will NEVER RETIRE to the same level of financial comfort they enjoyed while they had an active income from dental practice.

    How could that be? We invest our hearts and souls into helping patients. Why is it that only 5% of us have achieved a level of financial security affording us a "comfortable" retirement... one in which we are able to maintain the same (or better) standard of living as we enjoyed during our working years?

    When I turned 38 years-old I had over a million dollars... in debt... was in the middle of a divorce, and nearly lost my practice and my home. At age 46 I sold my two practices and was fortunate to be in the 5% who never had to work again, unless I chose to. Is $1,000,000 enough for a comfortable retirement? How can you ensure you and your family will be in the fortunate 5% when the day comes?

    How Much Is Enough?

    Of course, this number will vary greatly. This episode is meant to get you thinking about what you'll need… and get you MOTIVATED to take ACTION to MAP OUT and get on the path to your own comfortable retirement.

    Links in this Episode:


    Forget about just trying to “survive…” If you want to thrive in the face of insurance PPO bullying, attract more new patients, hire and keep the best team members then Gems Insiders’ Circle is for you. If you want to work less while making (much) more money, enjoy all the benefits of Gems family membership with NO LONG-TERM commitment (Platinum membership is month-to-month).


    Get your FREE copy of my book, “Transform Your Dental Practice from CoalMine to GoldMine” (currently $16.97 on Amazon, but yours free as a Gems Podcast listener).

    PLUS, your FREE book order includes a FREE BONUS that could add $50,000 per year to your income.  FREE 30-minute LIVE one-on-one TEAM TRAINING on my Adult Fluoride Verbal Skills. Learn to achieve 80% acceptance PAID OUT OF POCKET with just SEVEN SIMPLE SENTENCES!

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    7 min
  • Scathing Patient Reviews - EP 017
    Oct 6 2019

    Unfortunately, one of the questions I get from Gem's Family members more and more often is how to respond to a terrible review left by an irate patient.

    The internet presents awesome opportunity.

    It can help us in so many ways. But it also has the power to cause massive rapid damage if you let it. In the old days if a patient was ripping mad at a dentist the old adage was, "A happy patient will tell a friend and an unhappy patient will tell 10 friends."

    Even 10 people hearing how terribly you treated for Mrs. Jones was cause for concern. Today an unhappy patient can tell hundreds if not thousands through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and beyond. And then there's Yelp and Google!

    Should you respond to the review at all? 

    Although there may be instances in which you are better off not responding, in most cases it's in your best interest to respond if it's done correctly. Of course, if you respond in such a manner that gives readers the feeling that you lack empathy and understanding for your patient's situation and concerns, it will be worse than not responding at all.

    Prior to posting your response you should run it by your attorney. Be sure your attorney is aware that time is of the essence. The sooner you can craft and post an appropriate response to a bad review the better off you will be.

    The PRIMARY REASON you are posting your response is for DAMAGE CONTROL. Your response is written for the benefit of:

    1. Your EXISTING patients who may happen upon the bad review and
    wonder about YOUR side of the story, and

    2. PROSPECTIVE new patients who don't know you from Adam...
    and are considering coming to your practice.

    There are 4 Critical Elements of an Effective Response

    In this episode you'll discover all 4...

    Links in this Episode

    Gems Family members, go to the Gems members' website, www.InsidersCircle.com and search "082 COUNTERMEASURES TO NEUTRALIZE BAD ONLINE REVIEWS". You'll find my video team training plus the actual responses I wrote... a response from which you can "SWIPE" the next time you are faced with a terrible online review.


    Forget about just trying to “survive…” If you want to thrive in the face of insurance PPO bullying, attract more new patients, hire and keep the best team members then Gems Insiders’ Circle is for you. If you want to work less while making (much) more money, enjoy all the benefits of Gems family membership with NO LONG-TERM commitment (Platinum membership is month-to-month).


    Get your FREE copy of my book, “Transform Your Dental Practice from CoalMine to GoldMine” (currently $16.97 on Amazon, but yours free as a Gems Podcast listener).

    PLUS, your FREE book order includes a FREE BONUS that could add $50,000 per year to your income.  FREE 30-minute LIVE one-on-one TEAM TRAINING on my Adult Fluoride Verbal Skills. Learn to achieve 80% acceptance PAID OUT OF POCKET with just SEVEN SIMPLE SENTENCES!

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    7 min
  • How to Fill Your January Schedule - EP 016
    Sep 25 2019

    Whether you have just a few openings left in doctor's schedule for January or you're "wide open" right now, here is a PROVEN EFFECTIVE way to FILL your chair and come out of the gate smokin' this January... it won't cost you a penny and will take almost no time at all... Listen to the podcast and then design your flyer (or Gems Family members may just swipe the already "Done-For-You" flyer I wrote).

    Once you’ve written and designed your flyer, then using some of the same text from the flyer, craft a couple of emails you can email blast to all of your patients and prospects.  Here’s the timing of the 3-STEP campaign…

    STEP 1. Blast the first email mid to late December, each year.

    STEP 2. Mail the full-color flyer about the same time you blast the 1st email. Mail one flyer to every household with a patient who has visited your practice in the last 18 to 24 months.

    STEP 3. Blast the 2nd (slightly different but same idea) email about 7 to 10 days after email #1

    ANYTIME you create a multi-media internal marketing blitz to promote a specific treatment or service, in addition to the printed flyers you mail, be sure to print up enough flyers to HAND to all of your patients who visit the office during at least the next 3 months.

    And, of course, your team should wear the buttons which match the flyer and are designed to start conversations with the right patients who truly do have an interest in the topic you’re highlighting.

    I have created 36 different GoldRush Patient Motivator Modules. Sedation, Invisalign, Implants, Use-It-Or-Lose-It, end of the year remaining insurance benefits reminder, Worn Enamel, Root Sensitivity and dozens more. All come with pre-written emails, flyers, and buttons.  The module that alerts patients to there newly found WINDFALL of insurance money available each January is GoldRush Patient Motivator Module 34.

    Links in this Episode

    Gems Family members, to access either of this GoldRush… or any of the 36 modules, go to the Gems Members’ site… www.InsidersCircle.com and click on the SITE MAP at the top left.  You’ll find GOLDRUSH PATIENT MOTIVATOR SYSTEM not quite ½ way down the left-hand column of the SITE MAP. Download the emails and flyers then let your Personal Gems Concierge know which module you’re about to deploy and how many team member buttons you’d like to go along with the emails and flyers.


    Forget about just trying to “survive…” If you want to thrive in the face of insurance PPO bullying, attract more new patients, hire and keep the best team members then Gems Insiders’ Circle is for you. If you want to work less while making (much) more money, enjoy all the benefits of Gems family membership with NO LONG-TERM commitment (Platinum membership is month-to-month).


    Get your FREE copy of my book, “Transform Your Dental Practice from CoalMine to GoldMine” (currently $16.97 on Amazon, but yours free as a Gems Podcast listener).

    PLUS, your FREE book order includes a FREE BONUS that could add $50,000 per year to your income.  FREE 30-minute LIVE one-on-one TEAM TRAINING on my Adult Fluoride Verbal Skills. Learn to achieve 80% acceptance PAID OUT OF POCKET with just SEVEN SIMPLE SENTENCES!

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    7 min
  • Insurance Bullying - EP 015
    Sep 18 2019

    It's (beyond) time to fight back. Ask your business staff how much of their VALUABLE TIME IS WASTED by dental insurance carriers deploying DELIBERATE BULLYING TACTICS.

    It's beyond time to fight back. 

    Being put on hold and left there for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, even more... only to be disconnected requiring calling back in and starting all over again. Told they never received claims for which you have PROOF of receipt. Forced to resubmit supporting documents which were already submitted with the original claim. Denied benefits or drastically reduced even though the pre-determination (which you shouldn't have wasted your time sending in the first place) indicated they were going to pay or pay much more.

    Calling again and again, asking for supervisors or resubmitting what you've already sent in are INEFFECTIVE means to battle the bullying. But there IS a proven-effective way to get them to listen AND to measurably REDUCE their TACTICS of TORTURE.

    When Ben used tip #4, which I reveal in this podcast… when he deployed this Gem with Aetna and United Healthcare while he was managing a large 10 doctor group practice in Arizona, he got a PERSONAL REPLY from the CEO's of Aetna and United Healthcare APOLOGIZING... plus a list of names and contact info for provider relations managers who could and would help him if ever experiencing such terrible bullying tactics again.

    Links in this Episode

    Gems Family members you can view or download Ben's entire strategy at www.InsidersCircle.com enter "Insurance Bullying" into the search bar.


    Forget about just trying to “survive…” If you want to thrive in the face of insurance PPO bullying, attract more new patients, hire and keep the best team members then Gems Insiders’ Circle is for you. If you want to work less while making (much) more money, enjoy all the benefits of Gems family membership with NO LONG-TERM commitment (Platinum membership is month-to-month).


    Get your FREE copy of my book, “Transform Your Dental Practice from CoalMine to GoldMine” (currently $16.97 on Amazon, but yours free as a Gems Podcast listener).

    PLUS, your FREE book order includes a FREE BONUS that could add $50,000 per year to your income.  FREE 30-minute LIVE one-on-one TEAM TRAINING on my Adult Fluoride Verbal Skills. Learn to achieve 80% acceptance PAID OUT OF POCKET with just SEVEN SIMPLE SENTENCES!

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    8 min
  • Magic Phrase Increases New Patient Flow - EP 014
    Sep 11 2019
    Imagine if there were a "Magic Phrase of Marketing..." a short easy sentence your team could learn in less than 30 seconds and deploy today... one sentence which could increase your new patient flow by as much as 15% per year. This Magic Phrase exists and will cost you absolutely nothing... Your team member, Jill, is on the phone with a new patient, Betty. Jill did a great job. Said all the right things and did so with a smile on her face and a delightfully positive attitude. She wraps up the call by thanking Betty for calling, reassuring her that she's going to love Dr. Smith and the entire team, and reconfirming the day, date and time. She even remembered to use Dr. Cialdini's principle of commitment and consistency in order to measurably increase the likelihood that Betty will call if she needs to change the appointment. BUT WAIT!  Add one more sentence and you will ADD 10% TO 15% MORE NEW PATIENTS this year and every year until the day you retire... Links in this Episode If your team uses a "New Patient Phone Slip" to ensure consistency when speaking with prospective new patients on the phone (and they should be using one!) be sure to add just one more question (revealed during this podcast) at the bottom and you will measurably increase your new patient flow. Gems Family members, if you’d like to view and/or copy my new patient phone slip, go to the members’ website, www.InsidersCircle.com  and enter New Patient Phone Slip into the search bar. www.GemsAreEasy.com/podcast  Forget about just trying to “survive…” If you want to thrive in the face of insurance PPO bullying, attract more new patients, hire and keep the best team members then Gems Insiders’ Circle is for you. If you want to work less while making (much) more money, enjoy all the benefits of Gems family membership with NO LONG-TERM commitment (Platinum membership is month-to-month). www.FreeGiftFromTom.com/podcast Get your FREE copy of my book, “Transform Your Dental Practice from CoalMine to GoldMine” (currently $16.97 on Amazon, but yours free as a Gems Podcast listener). PLUS, your FREE book order includes a FREE BONUS that could add $50,000 per year to your income.  FREE 30-minute LIVE one-on-one TEAM TRAINING on my Adult Fluoride Verbal Skills. Learn to achieve 80% acceptance PAID OUT OF POCKET with just SEVEN SIMPLE SENTENCES! Magic Gem Adds More New Patients Undiagnosed high blood pressure of which the patient is entirely unaware, can lead to a stroke or heart attack in unsuspecting hypertensives. Undiagnosed periodontal disease can cause bone loss, tooth loss, and worse, systemic infection which can lead to serious medical complications. What does that have to do with new patient flow? A LOT. You may not be risking your health, but you are most certainly risking your wealth. Most dentists are unaware that 26.7% of your prospective new patients call your office when you are unable to pick up the phone. After looking at data from over 100,000 inbound calls to dental practices, I found more than 1/4 of your prospective new patients were calling before work, nights, weekends, holidays and even while you were open but your team was straight out busy… and unable to answer one more line. How much do you lose when you miss one new patient call? The average new patient in a general dental practice spends $4,800 (ALV or "Average Lifetime Value"). If you only missed one new patient per month, you're losing $57,600.00 per year. Sadly, most practices are missing out on multiples of that. The good news is that my Ultimate Phone Concierge (UPC) PHONE SCHEDULING TEAM can step in and answer the calls your in-office team is currently missing, early morning, after work, nights, weekends, holidays and more. Because that's all my team does, we have a (much) higher prospect on the phone to new patient in your chair close rate than even your most excellent team members. I'm SO CONFIDENT you'll LOVE your phone concierge that I'll do it for FREE... If you've never experienced UPC before, try Ultimate Phone Concierge for 30 days. We'll take ALL the risk, you take NONE. If you're not thrilled with our service let us know after 30 days and we'll refund every penny you paid. Of course, you'll keep the new patients we scheduled during the times your team couldn't answer! To be clear, we are not an answering service!  Our primary focus is SCHEDULING NEW PATIENTS who call when YOU can’t or won’t answer your phones. This special 30-day ZERO RISK full money back Ultimate Phone Concierge offer is available only to the first 97 dentists who email with the subject, Phone Concierge 30 days, zero-risk…  with the subject, Phone Concierge 30 days, zero-risk. Then, in the body of the email, just mention that you heard about The Ultimate Phone Concierge on my podcast, episode 14. Looking forward to helping you add more new patients, grow your practice and your revenues, have a little more fun and make a lot more money!
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    8 min