Dr. Tunisha Singleton is a media psychologist, creative strategist, speaker, and sports entertainment professional with an expertise in fan engagement, digital communication, and consumer intelligence.
She offers a lot of advice on the elements of culture, or the ingredients that are the foundation of a good culture. It’s advice that all facets of the P-P-C … players, parents, and coaches… can take and use. She offers a completely different point of view.
In this episode she talks about how coaches can match their values with actions. She also explains why players need to think about the question “who’s sitting at their table?” And the important role parents play in sustaining a good team culture.
Tunisha Singleton, Ph.D. https://www.linkedin.com/in/tunishasingleton/
Website: https://tunishasingleton.com/
Dr. Singleton's Twitter: @TSingletonSays
Twitter Dave Grendzynski: @grizzer21
Courtside Culture Podcast Twitter: @courtsidepod1