
  • Episode 51 - Drive-Thru Music's show
    Jun 10 2019
    Voir plus Voir moins
    34 min
  • Episode 50 - Drive-Thru Music's show
    Jun 1 2019
    Wake up it's the first of June I'm sure everyone excited. I know I am, finally 6 months down half Mark. There's not much to really discuss but would love to check in with the #DTMfamily. Drive-thru music show has something to say to spreaker! Thank you and those who are in agreement as well. Few updates and upcoming events! If you haven't yet drop by those upcoming artist from previous episodes. Be sure do so! We are finally here 50th episode and still counting... have you ever imagine being apart of something so extravagant. Do me a favor and get in that chat room during the episode in your host DJ j-mac will Enlighten you on you're next best move. You are rocking with #DTMcast drive-through music in your ear👂🏽!
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    36 min
  • 🚹Flawless Victory➡️ Finish HER🚺
    May 26 2019
    Signing in nothing serious but it's hard to go threw the day W/O doing so! S/O Everybody #DTMfam turn up tonight be safe!👍🏽 Thanks Spreaker and others in agreement!❤ #DTMcast Drive Thru Music Show in ya ear👂🏽! @DawnDuchess Listen to Take No Loss [JuanInstrumentals] by Dawn Duchess on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/dawn-duchess/take-no-loss-juaninstrumentals @Swift Homicide https://youtu.be/25LArwS6goA @PackBackGang Gang Listen to CHOSE(N) by PackBackGang on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/packbackgang/chosen @Da Real Speed https://www.facebook.com/groups/381602462006983/permalink/1194083127425575/?sfnsn=mo 🕳M.T.● wwwMediatakeout.com
    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • 🇺🇸🇺🇸Memorial Day Weekend🇺🇸🇺🇸
    May 24 2019
    Officially Memorial Day weekend! ☆Maccaroonie™ ->Serious Features? https://www.facebook.com/job_opening/356960688265145/?source=share ☆ How many people excited about that which mean you get paid some of y'all don't!😉 ☆ Canadian artists: Check out LIL.T💯15 on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/user-591004603-787079246 Huge collaboration on the way! ☆S/O if there's anyone that would like to be apart of sooner than later the hottest casting shows ever hmu! ☆Big Ups to (The Underground 3.0) Check it out your self🔗🔗 https://www.facebook.com/groups/508606089545791/ ☆#DTMcast Official Blog https://drivethrumusicshow.blogspot.com/?m=1 ☆BREAKING BREAKING NEWS☆ https://www.kiafriqa.com/post/we-purposely-spread-hiv-aids-to-wipe-out-blacks-in-south-africa-apartheid-era-officer-admits ❤Special Thanks to Spreaker.com and those in AGREEMENT for allowing us to have ya ear👂🏽! Believing this will be a good year🤝🏾🇺🇸💪🏾🙏🏾 Here #DTMcast Drive Thru Music in ya Ear👂🏽🔥!
    Voir plus Voir moins
    39 min
  • Episode 47 - Drive-Thru Music's show
    May 22 2019
    DAWN DUCHESS Listen to Take No Loss [JuanInstrumentals] by Dawn Duchess on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/dawn-duchess/take-no-loss-juaninstrumentals PACKBACKGANG Listen to CHOSE(N) by PackBackGang on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/packbackgang/chosen
    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min
  • Ep. 46 Reporting Live @ Six!
    May 19 2019
    How's your weekend so far? Been a rough start due to the severe storms. I would like everyone to stop and get with another individual. Lets say a special prayer for those who had family, friends, and people in general that was caught in the storm. those that were critically effected asking for full 💯% recovery🙏🏾 (The Undergoat) still up!!🐐 Twitter: https://twitter.com/LilRonnyMothaF Dawn Duchess where you at chica👧🏽 #DTMcast see ya homie!!! Click Link Below: Youtube Channel:https://youtu.be/ClzrhhdWPMM New Single:https://soundcloud.com/dawn-duchess/take-no-loss-juaninstrumentals Congrats to all you Scholars the ones graduating Class of 2019👨🏼‍🎓👩🏻‍🎓👨🏻‍🎓👩🏽‍🎓 Remember Stay focus out there over the weekend be good! I'm your host DJ Jmac aka Maccaroonie! You Are Rocking With DTMcast Drive Thru Music In Ya Ear!!!!👂🏽 P.S. Thanks Spreaker.com for the opportunity😜
    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • Ep 45 - Look ALIVE! #DTMcast
    May 17 2019
    That's right its official we have made it over the hump walking into the WEEKEND! 1st #DTMcast would like to say thanks for the opportunity and stage. That's right Spreaker talking to you! (https://www.spreaker.com/user/dtmcast) 2nd Check out a few these Artists PLEASE: @DAWN DUCHESS-https://www.youtube.com/user/TX2THETRUTH @TEZ WHITE-https://www.youtube.com/user/CARTEZWHITE @PARIS G.-https://www.youtube.com/user/gwallap16 3rd BRO GO TELL SOMEBODY ABOUT #DTMcast THANKS! Your Are Rocking With #DTMcast Drive-Thru Music In Ya EAR!!!!!
    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • Friday Going Live In The Mix😁😉🤙🌍🙏
    May 10 2019
    Lots of tater tots and I Robots. What's your plans for Mothers Day! Enjoy your weekend guys holler at me Dj JMAC aka Maccaroonie! Special thanks to Spreaker💯🌍✌
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    31 min