Discord link: https://discord.gg/yHUhW2Wjc7 Scorch Protocol: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l-F9pCuh942zn5rS_FXVxGzbCtXN0-toBipeMZTAbOc/edit?usp=sharing Research Papers: https://www.dryfastingclub.com/studies/ Today we’ll be talking all about refeeding after a dry fast. The animal-based diet vs a plant-based diet. Have you ever wondered why carbohydrates are introduced in most refeeding protocols and fat is not advised? We’ll dive into liver and bile function and your digestive system. Why viral reactivation needs to be taken into consideration for those trying to heal an autoimmune disease and how long you should rehydrate your organs. We’ll talk about why sodium is not advised early on, and strategies to help stick to a good plan. We’ll dive into different strategies depending on diet, illness, or length of the fast. So strap yourselves in! Join us on Instagram https://instagram.com/dryfastingclub Join us on Twitter https://twitter.com/dryfastingclub The Dry Fasting Club does not provide medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new healthcare regimen.