
  • Updates, and our beloved AI overlords(Ep 7)
    Feb 10 2023
    It's been long! But wait no more, as we present you with all about human extinction and more. We will be consistent from now on, as we have a new editor (Will Razam). Visit our show notes for more information. What are you waiting for? Listen to us already!
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  • Amrit's Job, Attack on Titan and the Russia-Ukraine War(Ep 6)
    Aug 28 2022
    Its been sometime since our previous episode, life got in the way. The frequency of this pod may vary a lot until it receives some traction as that would enable us to outsource the editing and the publishing done for the episodes. Hope you understand. Enjoy this extremely delayed episode almost everything is outdated from AOT and the war between Russia and Ukraine. But still there are some good discussions that me and Amrit had.
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  • The Indian Sex Education Drive(Ep 5)
    Mar 9 2022
    Sex has been a taboo for too long, let's put a stop to it. The first step is to survey and see what the majority of citizens think about it. If you advocate sex education then take 5 minutes from your day and fill the survey https://forms.gle/Kfoi5hUYABbgvkPZ6 ,if you don't then you too can express your reason through the same form.
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  • Electrical 101 and the effects of Perfectionism(Ep 4)
    Feb 3 2022
    We are back, after all the changes! Believe me there were a lot of changes to be carried on. This is an interesting episode for me (Rahul) as I rant a lot about my love for engineering and electrical engineering. Then we move on to perfectionism and how we suffer from it, The voice quality is a bit on the low side (we made a big mistake while recording the episode) but the content is the best one so far in my opinion. So what are you waiting for? Listen to the episode!
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  • Languages are weird and One society theory(Ep 3)
    Nov 23 2021
    Let's talk about why we talk. Just brace your mind for some extreme tangents in this episode. 'I think this is our best episode yet' ~Rahul. What are you waiting for? Listen to it already!
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  • Burnout, AI and The concept of you(Ep 2)
    Oct 15 2021
    When do we stop be being ourselves? How do we deal with burnout? Do we even deal with burnout? What is intelligence? We discuss, talk and sometimes tangent from one to another. We also have something at the end which you might find funny. What are you waiting for? Start listening already!
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  • Why Are We Even Here ?(Ep 1)
    Sep 13 2021
    In this episode we explain their roots, motivation, and history why are we in this podcast and why is the podcast here. We go to many places during the chat, So why are you still reading this? listen to us already.
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