In this episode of the Start Strong, Finish Strong Podcast with Greg Weiss, Greg chats with Karen Rybczynski. They discuss the impact of being on the frontline in the clubs and events industry during a pandemic as well as being a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
About Our Guest
Karen Rybczynski is the Learning & Organisational Development Manager at Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Group. Since opening its doors in 1947, it has a long, proud history of supporting the community. The Club is known historically as a venue for big name entertainment as well as having its own onsite Registered Training Organisation it also has a 24 hour gym and a group fitness studio. Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club is amalgamated with Magpie Sports Club, Bargo Sports Club, Marrickville RSL Club and is at the forefront of community initiatives such as The Cooks River Sporting Alliance, Camperdown Tennis & Camperdown Commons, a revitalised community hub. For more information visit WWW.CHPRSL.COM.AU
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Nationally Accredited Courses in:
Certificate 3 – 4 in Hospitality
Certificate 4 – Diploma in Leadership & Management
Custom designed training for team building such as:
* Customer service
* Emotional intelligence
* Team work
* Operational planning
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