Dr. Maha Younes joins our discussion about merging teaching and research as college faculty. She shares her insights about how reflecting on her students' experiences during an assignment led her to look at existing literature where she found space for her own research contributions. Lots of great reminders of how our teaching can inform our research and our research can inform our teaching.
Citations from articles noted in the episode
Younes, M. N., & Vanlaningham, J. L. (2017). In the hot seat: Teaching students through experiences with self-help groups. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 22(1), 163–179. https://doi.org/10.18084/1084-7219.22.1.163
Younes, M. N., & Asay, S. M. (2003). The world as a classroom: The impact of international study experiences on college students. College Teaching, 51(4), 141-147. https://doi.org/10.1080/87567550309596429
Asay, S. M., Younes, M. N., & Moore, T. (2006). The cultural transformation model: Promoting cultural competence through international study experiences. In R. R. Hamon (ed.)., International family studies: Developing curricula and teaching tools (pp. 85-99). New York: Haworth Press, Inc.