About the guest
Jaclyn is a contemporary abstract artist living and working between Ann Arbor and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Gordyan has been an artist for nearly 25 years. Working in a variety of mediums including oils, acrylics, ceramics, raku, woven textures, gouache, graphite and photography. Her work has evolved over the years, starting in realism and expanding now to abstract, organic and sculptural. She’s earned a BFA and studied art history, design and learned classic painting techniques. It wasn’t until years later she combined nature and abstract for the first time. It was electric and intuitive all at once for her. She knew she had found her voice and her medium for expression. In 2024, Jaclyn will be participating in the Pouch Cove Residency in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Jaclyn's website
Jaclyn's Instagram
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Original Music composed by Hillary Albrecht
Art Biz Talk is hosted by Andrea La Valleur-Purvis, Artist and Art Business Coach at Vivid Creative