It’s the DNA of our soul. The blueprint of life. And its existence and teachings have left a fascination throughout various cultures and timelines in history. Today we will dive into the secret language of astrology with special guest Sibyl Star, as she helps us break down the movement of the stars, planets, and zodiac. How it works, what it all means, and some basics components to help us better understand the energy of our world, and the energy of ourselves! So grab your notepad, because we’re about to dive in deep, and break everything down! Today is Astrology 101.
Like the Sibyls, or prophetic priestesses of ancient Greece who foretold the future through visions, the stars speak to Rev. Sibyl through the symbolic language of Astrology. Astrology is the study of the movement of planets and stars through the heavens and is an eternal language of light.
Sibyl has a thriving astrological counseling business where through the channeling of the Star Nation combined with more than 20 years of doing astrological consultations, she is able to assist her clients in navigating these turbulent times.
Sibyl believes the archetypal energies of the celestial bodies hold the key to self-understanding and the birth chart is a map that guides us to self-realization. Sibyl does several different of astrological consultations including natal, updates, relationship and relocation readings.
Rev Sibyl now has a new offering of Galactic Astrology. The astrological chart is not just a map of consciousness in this solar system but also of galactic imprinting from other Star Nations. Galactic Astrology Consultations help explore our soul origins in the stars and how it relates to this lifetime. Through the natal chart Sibyl is able to help each of us understand our Cosmic DNA and Starseed origins.
Rev. Sibyl’s monthly and weekly video forecasts on YouTube are followed by thousands of viewers. She maintains an active “Star Nation Oracle Blog” with videos of current astrological events. She can be reached on her website,
Check out In a Spiritual Sense on YouTube to watch full length videos of each episode!
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