E59 - Suzanne Goulden - You Don't Just Minimize Once - Balancing Minimalism and Crafting
How do you balance being a minimalist and being a crafter? Interesting dilemma!
Your simpler life begins here.Ladies, we are strong and passionate, and the managers of our homes and families. We bear a lot on our shoulders.
- Are you feeling overwhelmed with life?
- Do you dream of a clutter-free house but need guidance on where to get started?
- Are you feeling out of balance and need ideas to fit self-care into your already too-full life?
I can help you simplify your life by helping to identify and providing suggestions to resolve your problem areas. Learn how to take control of your life and free yourself of the stresses weighing you down. I know you’re busy, so I offer affordable 15-minute Booster chats that fit in with your day. I’m here to help
Our Guest - Suzanne Goulden is an Intentional Living Consultant. I help overwhelmed women create peace in their homes and reclaim time to do the things they love by minimizing belongings and simplifying lifestyle.
Women who make choices with intention reap the benefits of simplifying their life, reducing stress, and regaining control of their time, money, and space.
Virtual Joyful Kitchen Cleanout: https://deft-thinker-4300.ck.page/f6ae483f73
Instagram/Facebook/YouTube/Pinterest: @suzannegouldenIL
Instagram: Craft life: @suzannegoulden.art
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