Do you want to enjoy and live a super-successful life? Do you want to experience a life that includes happiness, abundance and a delightful lifestyle?
Unfortunately, your wonderful desires often are difficult to bring into your reality. Most people feel turned off by the heavy lifting often suggested to them to improve their life. Do you want to learn simple and effective ways to develop success habits?
I am happy to announce that my co-author & co-creator of Positive Life Answers has a new book and it's teaching is perfect for you. Dr. Michael Mercer has appeared on some of my podcast episodes. His new book is called: Success Habits Made Easy: Proven Actions to Make You a Superstar in Your Personal Life & Career
Welcome to my ‘Positive Life Answers’ Podcast! I'm your podcast host Dr. Mary Ann Mercer. In today's podcast episode we will talk with Dr. Mike about one of his Success Habits that he discusses in his new book. It is a key habit that if you carry it out in your life, it will greatly improve your life. And it is so easy to do.
Success Habits Made Easy gives you an easy step-by-step guide to designing and achieving your desired self-growth and lifestyle ambitions. Success Researcher & Habits Expert Dr. Michael Mercer helps you learn efficient, and ready-to-use success strategies. Dr. Mike helps you confidently start now taking key actions to turn your desired dream life into your wonderful real life. He gives you the absolute best ready-to-use actions & mindset to transform your life into an exciting, fulfilling masterpiece. Dr. Mike has a unique Mentoring Program he will share with you about soon as well.
Click here for Information on Dr. Michael Mercer
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A note to my listeners: This podcast aims to provide useful information to my listeners. It is published with the understanding you’re your host, Dr. Mary and her guest, Dr. Mike are not engaged in rendering professional services, counseling, or therapy through the contents of this podcast. If professional service is sought by a listener, such as counseling, psychotherapy, medical advice, and other help.
Thank you for listening. Make it a fantastic day & week.
Dr. Mary...& Dr. Mike
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Dr. Mary Ann Mercer