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Whomever said treating yourself is meant to be a once in a while thing is SO WRONG. Let's go 180 and treat ourselves all the freaking time. You're a ducking queen!!! And you should treat yourself like one! Let's glamorize everything about your life so that even "mundane" tasks like taking out the trash have a classy, exciting vibe to it. What's the worst that could happen? You'll be happier? More passionate? More excited? Oh no!!! ;P
Becca Ploener is an Adventure Life Coach and Whitewater Kayak Instructor based out of Asheville, NC. She works with folks who are feeling burntout, tired, and like they have NO TIME for themselves. Combining her knowledge from her background in psychology, experiential and inquiry based learning, wilderness medicine, women's health, and whitewater kayaking she helps people to take charge of their life again so they can have fun regularly and level up their outdoor sport. Her mission is to wake you up to your wild, brave, and downright uninhibited self. Check out her website, and JOIN THE EMAIL LIST if you want to be in the know about all things Wild Woman! There is a monthly newsletter, email exclusive coaching deals, and information about the programs she's leading. You can learn more on her website, facebook at Wild Woman Coaching or reach out to her via email at or phone at (302)-584-6579