Join us in this insightful episode as Regan, a US medical student, and Livia, a Polish medical student, delve into the intricacies of identifying STEMI (ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) in the prehospital setting. Listen as they explore the vital signs and symptoms to watch for and discuss the role of prehospital care providers in early detection and treatment. Additionally, Livia shares her valuable expertise on POCUS (Point-of-Care Ultrasound) and its application in assessing cardiac chest pain. Discover how this powerful diagnostic tool can enhance patient care and improve outcomes in emergency situations. Don't miss this engaging conversation packed with professional insights and practical tips for both aspiring and experienced medical/prehospital practitioners. Tune in and elevate your understanding of STEMI identification and POCUS in prehospital care.
Host: David Collins, MD, FACEP
Co-host: Regan Washist, MSIV
Guest host: Livia Van Humbeeck, MSVI (yes, they go that high in Poland!)
Editor/Reviewer: Michelle Collins
Editing Wizard: Phil Aguet
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