Hi everyone,
I'm proud to introduce you to my first english episode on easylife podcast: we talk about the importance of observing our brains! Through which templates we all see the world? What does 'bias' mean exactly and why do we have a default male bias in our society? And more important: how can we change the way we think? Answers on all of these questions and a lot more in this episode - I am very much looking forward to your feedback https://www.instagram.com/easylife_derpodcast/?hl=de!
Have a wonderful rest of your day, Isabelle #easylife
example for default male bias out of Carolin Criado Perez: "Invisible Women"
example for Anchor Bias out of Jack Nasher: "DEAL"
UN Women Progress Report 2015: https://progress.unwomen.org/en/2015/embed/
"How to close gender pay gap" https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---eddialogue/---actrav/documents/publication/wcms684156.pdf
"Social incentives for gender differences" fhttps://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---eddialogue/---actrav/documents/publication/wcms684156.pdf
example for male population in clinical trials http://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/34759/1/12305_Faulkner.pdf
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